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I got a surprise for Stella! we're going to spend allll day together and I'm super excited! I already got everything ready so now I just have to get her ready then we can leave.

I walk into her playroom and ignore the mess. I sit beside her and watch her play with her Mickey Mouse toys then she looks at me. She smiles and I gently bring her to me. "Guess what baby?" I ask her her and she smiles wider and shrugs. "Wanna go on a surprise adventure?" I ask her and she gasps and quickly shakes her head. "Where, daddy?!" She bounces in my lap and I hold her still. "I said it's a surprise! But we can't go until you get ready. Go change your clothes into something pretty, brush your hair, make your hair pretty if you want, and put on shoes. I will be downstairs waiting." I give her directions and she smiles through it all. I can tell she's hanging onto every word I'm telling her. She puts her arms around me and we sit in a hug for a minutes then we both stand up.

I take off and leave her to do her thing.


Daddy has something planned!! I can't wait! Omg what am I going to wear?! I run to the closet and dig out a really pretty romper that looks like a dress. I gasp at how pretty it is and put it on. I also dig out really pretty sandals and put them on. I look at my outfit in the mirror and feel pretty. I like it!

I brush my hair and put it in a Dutch braid. I also put some hair accessories in it. I smile at my accomplishment and take off out of the room then stop. I run back in and spray some perfume and put deodorant on. I also spray some hairspray on my hair. I look at myself again and nod my head for approval. Now it's ok to leave! I run out and run to daddy and stand in front of him. He looks at me and his jaw drops making me blush. "Do you like it, daddy?" I ask him and his eyes widen and he nods his head. "Daddy!" I nudge him and he smiles. "I love it, princess! Now this is all you need." He says and I look at him confused. He takes out a princess tiara from behind a pillow and I gasp again. He puts it on my head and I look at a mirror that's in the living room. "Prettyyyy!!" I compliment the tiara and daddy chuckles. "Alright, come on!" Daddy grabs all the bags that's beside the door and my hand then he leads me to the car then we take off.

We get to what looks like a park and I gasp. "Playtime!!" I clap my hands excitedly. "No no, baby girl. Date time!!" Daddy says and I gasp even more. "Daddy time!!" I jump in his arms and he wraps his arms around me. I smile widely and he walks me to a private area. It's really peaceful!

Daddy takes out a blanket and puts it on the floor and gets all the food set up. Yummy!! I love when daddy comes up with cute ideas especially when it's outside!

After daddy gets everything all set up we sit down and grab food. "I like this, daddy!" I tell him and he smiles. "I'm glad you do! I just thought since we haven't been able to spend much time together since I've had to go into work so much we can do something together plus be outside." Daddy explains and I nod my head. "I agree! I've missed you." I tell him and he kisses my forehead. "I've missed you to baby."

After daddy and I eat daddy digs out outside games. "We can play catch, go over there and draw hopscotch, I got stuff we can make miniature gold courses with, and bean bag toss. We can do whatever you want." Daddy explains and I bounce excitedly. "Umm..." "ummm..." "golf!!" I tell him and he gets everything ready for that. He gives me the golf club and I hit the ball. I jump excitedly when it almost goes in the hole then frown when it stops on the edge. Daddy walks over to it and frowns. "Baby, look a butterfly!" He says and points then I gasp and turn around. I turn back around and my ball is in the hole. "Daddy, my ball!!" I run to it and daddy smiles. "I know! It just randomly fell in the hole. It must not have been balanced right." Daddy shrugs and I giggle. "I win!!" I bounce excitedly.

Daddy and I play more games then I start to feel tired. I lay down on the blanket and daddy picks me up. "I sweepy." I tell him and he smiles. "I know you are. We've been here for 5 hours, it's been a long day. How about I buckle you up in the car and we go home, ok?" Daddy suggests and I nod my head.

Daddy buckles me in the passenger side and grabs all the stuff he bought with us. I love daddy. He's really good to me. Unlike all the other stupids I tried with.. I yawn and lay my head on the window.


Ughhh who knew fake couples could be such goals!!

My daddy and I are currently trying to spend more time together too. I just realized Stanley trying to spend more time with Stella is the same with my daddy.. I swear I wasn't trying to compare this chapter to my current life aha

Random question: what's your favorite outside game?

I think my favorite outside game is hide n seek. I know it can be played inside too but it's more fun outside!

15 votes and I'll update again ❤️

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