Who Is He

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Who is God
They asked
Why, He is all and none at once
He is the greatest and has sacrificed everything
Valuable in His world
And how does one know He exists
Why, He exists in mind and soul always
Forever surrounding the universe in all directions where force reaches
And the first person who said:
"God exists, He has meaning in our lives"
How did they know
Who told the first person to find out
That the one very moment of belief
Which carried the world in history and present
Is real not just as the illusion of our instincts formed from ancestral animals;
And how did they come to the conclusion
That this being had created everything,
Loves everything,
Is everything,
All at once
How does one person claim so much eternity in one sentence
When simplicity only comes in words
And there's still nothing humans have discovered that is not already claimed
Not by nature but by the hands of a thinker
So ask not again
Who is God
But who are we?

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