2. First Day of Class

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A week had already gone by when I first settled into my new home. I never thought of doing much exploring, but that Zelda girl insisted on showing me around "in case I'd get lost." I didn't see myself ever straying away from my own room, but I won't lie, it was entertaining enough.

Honestly, I'm a bit grateful. I won't lie, she was a bit too excited for my liking, but not at all obnoxious. She gave me space when I needed it which was honestly a great change of pace from the last place I stayed. I saw myself getting along with her at least to some degree.

Now that I think about it, that's the first time I've thought that of anybody in a while. I'd purposefully be aloof, not that anyone minded. Loneliness was a welcome aspect of my life.

Today was Monday and here I was at my new school, greeting myself to my new class. So many new faces I'd forget and likely never see again.

I bowed slightly. "My name is Link Forrestor, it's nice to meet you all. I hope we get along." At that point, I felt I was sugarcoating things. I heard murmurs amongst the class, but nothing related to me as far as I could tell. They seemed as disinterested as I am.

Class was boring. My ears were wide open and taking in information from the lesson, but it all went out the other end. This was the fifth time I transferred schools. I found myself staring out the window which became a sort of ritual for me. My mind would wander off thinking; "What's the point?" But I stopped worrying about that around the third or fourth time. At this point, I was blankly staring out the window just because it was typical.

I was sure my teacher would snap at me for not paying attention or something, but I'm grateful she didn't. I'm not sure how much time passed when I actually began paying attention. The clock's hands were frozen in place. I quickly snuck a quick peek at the time on my phone and it seemed about ten minutes had passed. So time didn't just feel slow, well, at least not that slow.

The lesson was a slog. It seemed that way to my peers and teacher too. Her unenthusiastic tone and gray marks under her eyes said it all.

The bell finally rang and I started sitting up when a hand firmly planted on my shoulder. I looked up to see a toothy grin right up in my face. Cascades of vibrant red hair coming down his head. Last but not least, this guy was damn massive. He was practically bending over to meet me head level—given I was still sitting down.

"Hi! The name's Sidon. Nice to meet you!"

This guy was way too excited. His energy was almost poisonous. Probably because of how damn close he was to my face. He was too close.

"Personal space," I uttered.

"Aw, come on! Don't be so cold! I'm just trying to be nice!"

"Too close."

A new, feminine voice chimed in. "Brother, I believe he's felt uncomfortable enough transferring here."

Both Sidon and I looked toward the source of the voice. The source was a similarly red-haired female. By the fact that she called him brother, I'd bet a gold rupee she's his sister. Nevertheless, it's shocking how uncannily similar they looked. They were almost exactly like an opposite gender version of each other.

Sidon jerked his body straight up and put a hand behind his head. "Oh! Sister! I didn't see you there!"

She looked at me with a meek smile. She seemed the exact opposite of her brother. That's hoping she doesn't give me as much of a headache. "Hello, my name is Mipha. It's a pleasure to meet you, Link. I'm sorry if my brother made you feel uncomfortable."

Yep, he definitely did. And honestly, I didn't want to deal with anyone this moment. Still, I couldn't bring myself to be rude. Mipha seemed like a nice girl.

"It's fine," I said. Trying to hold back a cringe because I half regretted saying that with Sidon right here. I just hoped he didn't hear and take it the wrong way.

"I see. In any case, I hope we can get along. You've already seen a glimpse of his enthusiasm, but I'd like to warn you ahead of time," she said with a not so subtle hint of snark in her voice which came off as pretty surprising. A bit menacing if you ask me with that cutesy, innocent smile of hers.

Nice, but can be pretty damn sassy. Noted.

"Hey! I can hear you!" Sidon pouted.

Mipha pretended not to acknowledge Sidon's words. "Now then, we should head to next class or we'll end up late." Her eyes flashed like she'd remembered something. "Oh! What do you have next? I can point you in the right direction if you'd like."

Not wanting to hang onto the two for any longer because I just wanted to be left alone, I waved my hand dismissively. Instead, I opted for my crumpled, very messy schedule. Ancient History... room 116...

Maybe this was a mistake.

Sidon exploded a bit too close next to my face. "Oh! So you have history as well? You're in luck! Professor Eisner is a wonderful teacher!"

"Lucky you," Mipha said. "It's as if the other Eisner is trying to break our backs with work."

"Well, Gruve said both were equally strict teachers."

"Gruve dropped out of high school..."

Today was going to be much longer than I had anticipated...

"That being said... Isn't it weird how both Eisners have the same name Byleth?"

A/N: My headcanon is that Mipha is normally the nicest persona alive, but can be the snarkiest person alive when she wants to be. Especially to her "baby bro" by like literal seconds (in this story) lmao

Never played Fire Emblem for the life of me but I just wanted to throw in a not so subtle reference for funzies. It's up to you to figure out which Byleth is which lmao

Felt I should've made mention of this earlier or within the story... starting with April each chapter is gonna be a month apart from each other chronologically (April being an exception since it comprises of both dis chapter and the previous) so yeah... Chapter three is gonna be May and so on

Plz vote I'm a desperate degenerate who writes for funzies and shiz


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