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It's the start of class, And today is the first day of school.

"Yah Vijie! Can't you help me carry your bag? This is yours for frea--"

"Language please."

Mavie glared at me. She's holding my bag cause you know, She have to. I look at her using my puppy eyes while pouting a little.

"Please hold it for me until we reach the classroom Mavs.. Please?"

"Oh.. No! Don't look at me like that, You don't look cute at all, You look like a duck." Seeing her reaction, I pouted a little more. Mavie stop from walking, She look at me before sighing.

"Fine whatever."

"I knew you can't resist me."

"Believe me it's not that."

I can't help the laugh escaping from me when I saw her roll her eyes. Damn! My bestfriend is so adorable!

"By the way Vie, Do you want to eat? We're pretty much early, I want to eat."

"Hmm?" I check my watch. Yeah, we still got 10 minutes of spare time.

"Let's just buy food at the cafe and eat it inside the room. I don't wanna be late."

"Fine. Can you get your bag already?"

"Nope. HAHAHAHA! Bare it for few more minutes Reins."

"Yeah right."

I grinned. We reached the cafeteria, and I brought a chucky and a sandwich for me while Mavs brought a burger and milk tea.

We both get going, Mica and Liz has already went ahead so I'm sure they already bought breakfast for themselves. This is always the scenario anyways, since Grade 7.

Me and Mavs will always be the late ones and the two is the early birds. I can't just understand how they wake up so early. Geez.

"There. Oh my god! Did you bring all your things in your bag Vijie? It's so heavy!" I chuckle at her, she's just exaggerating. "Whatever Reins. You just have to exercise, My bag is so light y'know."

"Hey Vie, Mavs." Liza

"Hey Bruh; Have you seen the announcement board earlier?" Mica said, the two approach us. They just arrive from who knows where.

"What's on it?" Mav

"It's the first day and they're already announcing activities. Gosh. I wanna go home already."

"Same Mica. Since it's the Science month, We have to participate. They have a project for competition and a 3 day event." Liza sit down beside me, leaning her head on my shoulders.

Since it's the first day of class, We still don't have any seating arrangements. Mavie saw the bag of the two on the 2nd row so we sit beside them.

"I hope Sir Dame won't give me any article to cover this month." I look at Mavie, furrowing my eyebrows before asking.

"Why not?"

"Y'know. He gave me summer assignment, Gosh! I always end up going out through summer just to cover up their off- campus activity. Remember that 'Up Up the Hill!' project?" I nod, She's sitting beside me with Mica on her right so I'm on her left and Liza is on my right. "He made me tag along to write the story and article. I'm sick seeing the newspaper with almost my name on the entertainment section." She rolled her eyes on me so I can't help chuckling. Sir Dame is a strict Director, I remember he made me take 5 photoshoots in just a day in different locations. Gosh, I feel so tired that day.

"Well.. You're competent that's why." Is all I replied before I face the board. I saw Liza using her phone, maybe playing games.

"Hey Guys!"

"Kate!" We all face the direction Mica is facing. I saw Kate walking to us, Wow. She's tan!

"Wow Kate! You're so tan!" Liza

"Yeah. I kinda overdo it." We laugh at her, yeah she's burnt! Gosh. She look at me before she talked again, What she said made me stop.

"Hey. I saw Ryan with a girl earlier. Is he on a relationship already?"

I feel my heart tightened. My expression change but I force myself to look at her and smile.

"Yeah, Last summer. Y'know before the end of Grade 9."

"Oh! That's why. Tho I'm not comfortable seeing him with other girl beside you. "

I just give her a tight smile before turning around. Liza must have notice my distress and excuse the both of us. I saw the two: Mica and Mavs nodding understandingly.

We arrive at the bathroom and Liza lock the room immediately. That's the cue, I broke down. Damn.

"L- Liza.."

I sobbed. My voice crack calling her name. It's a relief that no one else is here. I can't afford other people seeing me like this. I feel pathetic.

Liza approached me, taking me between her arms.

"Hush Now Vie. It's alright. Shh.."

"L- Liza.. I- It hurts. Why do I need to fall inlove with him?"

"Shhh. It's okay. Everything will be alright."

I nod. After a few minutes I calm down and I can't help letting out a dry chuckle.

"I'm so pathetic. I just heard him with his girlfriend and I already bawl my eyes out. Gosh."

Liza cupped my face on her hands making me face her.

"Listen carefully Vijie okay?" I nod before she continued. "You're not pathetic, you're just inlove. Don't ever feel pathetic because you fall for the wrong person. It was his lost that he didn't know. He's lucky."

"How will I face him again Liz? I don't think I can still face him without crying." I look down. Damn, Why do you need to fall inlove with your bestfriend of all people? I look up when Liza speaks.

"Nonsense! You're Vijie Darwins, the girl every men wants to have but can't. But you'll just let him make you feel like shit?! Gosh Vijie." I laugh hard until I can't anymore. Yeah right. I'm Vijie Darwins. I'm strong, Beautiful and Smart.

For a moment I forgot my worth.

I look at Liza, trying my best to look sincere.

"Thank you. Really."

"Yeah right. That's my baby sis! Let's go, I'm sure the two must be worrying already. "


Hate or LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora