Chapter 6: The Loneliness

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Eren Jeager has always been quick to anger. Even when we met him as a four year old, his go to response we would anger or excitement, all ruled over by his overbearing sense of what was fair and what wasn't. Even now, a few months less than 7 years later Eren's much the same way. It shouldn't have come as a surprise to me that he'd be angry about the draft- just as Michael had predicted.

"You can't!" Desperate hands clutch at Michaels shirt, but no one makes a move. Armin and Mikasa stand off to the side- unsure of what to do- while Gabriel leans against a nearby wall, looking at anywhere else but the wide eyes of Eren Jeager.

The arguing went on for well over an hour. At some point we moved outside to spare Mr. Arlert from the yelling as he went to bed. He'd already packed up his meager belongings after gifting Michael and I some paper he got from the markets.

"This isn't fair! You two are only two years older than us, and Gramps is to old to go info the military!" Michael grabs Eren's wrists, prying them off and away from his shirt.

"In case you haven't noticed, we don't have a choice- we other go out there and maybe survive, or stay in these wall and be executed!" Michael pushes up his glasses, his face narrowing in anger, "I don't want to go as much as you want me to stay. The plan was for us to into the survey corps together. I didn't ask for this!"

"The hell you didn't! I bet you were just dying for a chance to go out there and play hero! Now you're going to leave us all alone, just like you always do!"

"Eren-" Mikasa goes to grab him, but is slapped away harshly.

"Shut up, Mikasa!"

"Eren!" Finally having enough, Michael grabs Eren's wrist. "That's enough, she didn't deserve tha-"

Before he can finish, a fist collides with Michaels face. His glasses fall to the floor, and before Eren can do anything else he's quickly joining them.

"Get off of me, M-" Before he even finishes, Eren's face snaps harshly to the side- a harsh pain in his nose making his eyes water.

"Shut up!" To his utter surprise, that voice isn't Michael. Instead its a shaking Gabriel, staring down at him with a familiar look in his eyes.



"NO!" The taller boy grabs fistfuls of Eren's shirt, dragging him up. "You think we want this, Eren? We're going to die out there, Eren! This isn't military service, this is an execution. We'll be lucky if they bother to train us at all before they send us to die."

Being so close to him, Eren can see the way Gabriel shakes. He can see the glassy look in his eyes, as they dart around- almost as if he's looking for a way to escape, despite being the one on top of Eren. It stuns him- renders him silent. In that moment, his anger is replaced with shock.

'What happen to the timid Gabriel... I've never seen him like this.'

"This is probably the last time you'll see us alive, and you want to spend it like this? You want the last memories you have of us to be filled with pain and anger? It'll be just like your Mother all over again, Eren!" Gabriel freezes, and Eren feels his anger reignite, but before he can do anything he's free and Gabriel is running off with Michael's wrist gripped firmly in hand.

When Mikasa goes to check on him again, Eren just stalks off silently.

That night he can't help but think that just maybe... Gabriel's right.

As for Michael and Gabriel... well they don't think anything- or well... it's more like they have no idea what the other is thinking. Michael tries to get Gabriel to talk. But he stays dead silent. He doesn't bother to answer anything Michael asks of him- instead opting to stare into the dark skies. Eventually the older twin gives up, opting to go back and try and find his glasses- hoping desperately that they're not broken.

Even long after Michael leaves, Gabriel stays watching the stars. He doesn't bother moving until his eyes become heavy.

He lies in bed for hours but... sleep doesn't come easy. It evades him, much the same way a feather toy does to a cat. When he finally does begin falling a sleep, a stubborn thought keeps popping into his head like an itch that he just can't scratch.

"It'll be just like your Mother all over again" I said... just like my mother. Just like my sister. Just like my brother. And now I'm doing it again. Who will it be this time, I wonder? Michael? Eren? Mikasa? Armin? Or wise old Mr. Arlert. No... It'll be all of them and then where will I be?


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