Chapter 8: The Reunion

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Raphael always was what an older brother should be. Kind, caring, funny, protective- but he was more than that. He was my best friend, someone I could always trust to have my back even if we weren't bound by blood. But people change.

After we abandoned him in Shiganshina, I tried my best to push him into the back of my mind and forget about him. If not for my sake, then for Michael's. Even though he was never as close to him as I was, Raphael was just as much Michael's brother as he is mine.

"Hey Mikey, Gabby, did you miss me?"

He looks the same physically, well for the most part. His hair is longer than I remember it being, and a long scar mars the right side of his face. He uses the same nicknames for us as he always does, but the tone was completely off- more malicious than caring. Of course... I don't think I can blame him. I don't even think I can look him in the eyes anymore. I'm the one that pushed us to leave him behind. The thought makes me feel sick. Some brother I am.

"I bet you thought I was dead, huh?" He smiles something cruel and amused like neither brother has seen before, but Michael ignores it.

"Raphael! I'm so glad you're ok!" Michael's grin is bright and full of teeth- probably the happiest he's been in months, but it isn't returned.

"I'm sure you are..." The smile quickly dissipates, a frown taking its place.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Exactly as it sounds. You left me for dead. Both of you." Raphael's tone is bland, almost bored- nothing at all like they remembered.

The room fades to silence. Gabriel stares into his lap. He wishes he could just fade away. A dark part of him wishes that Raphael did die in Shiganshina, just so he wouldn't have to deal with this

"I didn't want to, but there were titans everywhere and-"

"And you left me there. I went back for the both of you, but you guys didn't bother to look for me!"

"That's not fair Raph, and you know it!"

"And leaving me to become titan-chow was?!" Raphael snaps. Heaving a sigh, he runs his fingers through his hair, "What about you, Gabriel? Got something to say?"

"I thought you'd make it out." Gabriel feels the blood rush to his face as the attention is placed fully on him. "Ever since we were little you always beat the odds and make it out."

Raphael laughs in disbelief. The sound is dry and humorless as he just shakes his head. "Well lets home that the two of you manage to beat the odds, because I'm not coming to save you this time."

And with that he's gone, and the twins are once again alone.


"Don't. That's not the brother we knew..."


"As far as I'm concerned, he died in Shiganshina."

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