Music Goes Round

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Lucy: Auugh, I can't stand this song, it drives my crazy! The same song has been playing in my head over and over.

Lucy: I have to find some blockhead to dump it on!

Lucy: Charlie Brown, wait up!

Lucy: I think I know what song you like?

The music plays. 

Charlie: This is my favorite song!

Lucy: Quiet, can you hear that?

Charlie: What!


Lucy: Isn't it wonderful?

Lucy: That same song has been stuck in my head all day long and now it's yours! HA!HA! I'M FREE!

Charlie: It's a classic tune. 

Linus walks over.

Linus: That's a good song, Charlie Brown!

Charlie: It reminds me of the best time of year...

Charlie: of hot dogs, and home runs, cheering crowds, and pitching a no-hitter.

Charlie: Yes, It is a good song!

Linus: That is nice Charlie Brown.

Linus walks away

Charlie: Rats, the song is gone!

Linus walks to Shermy and Pigpen, who know the song

Shermy, Pigpen, and Linus: Root, root root, for the home-team, and if they don't win it's a shame, cause it's 1,2,3 ...

Lucy: STOP!

Lucy: It's taken all day to get rid of that song, and now you boys are singing it! I Ougtha SLUG you!

The boys run away.

Lucy then has an idea!

Lucy: Schroeder

Lucy runs to Schroeder's house!

Lucy: You are the only one who can save me!!!

Lucy: This song has been stuck in my head all day!

Lucy: You have to play Beethoven music to drain it down.

Schroeder: Sure, Lucy, I can help.

Schroeder: You need something to calm you down like...

Lucy starts to tug Schroeder shirt.

Lucy: Just play your'e stupid Beethoven!!

Schroeder put his fingers on the keys and plays... Take me out to the ball game, the same song Lucy wanted to get rid of.

Lucy: I should have known Beethoven wrote that baseball song.

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