Heart Attack

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Charlie Brown is talking to Linus about the little-red-haired girl.

Charlie: That's it. I made my mind. I'm finally going to give a valentine to the little red haired girl.

Charlie: She's so sweet, I bet she's been waiting for me to make the first overture.

Charlie: This valentine's day is going to be great!!!

Linus: That saint valentine must have had such a sense of humor.

Charlie Brown runs home and gets started on his valentine.

Dear Little Red Haired Girl,

How are you

Charlie: Too ordinary

Dear Little Red Haired Girl,

Happy Valentines Day

Charlie: Ugggh..Too boring.

Dear Little Red Haired Girl,

Evening is coming on, I wish it was snowing huge white flakes and you and I were walking along and holding hands and....

Charlie: I must have a fever.

I Love You

Charlie Brown cuts the valentine into a heart and decorates it, not knowing he is decorating himself as well. He proudly walks to the mailbox.

Patty and Violet look and Charlie and laugh. 

Violet: Look at Charlie Brown, what a mess. Who would ever want a valentine like that!

Charlie's pride lowers. He puts the valentine in the mailbox. Charlie Brown walks to Linus.

Linus: Hi, Charlie Brown. Did you give that little red haired girl your valentine.

Charlie: I couldn't do it. I mailed it anonymously.

Linus: Good Ol' Charlie Brown, He's the Charlie Browniest!

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