Minisode: Table Scraps!

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Charlie Brown walks to Snoopy's doghouse. He has a supper dish in his hands.

Charlie: I brought something special for you. I mixed a few table scraps.

Snoopy: Table Scraps. Well, I never!

Snoopy: I refuse to eat something that has been on someone else's plate.

Snoopy: Table scraps, indeed.

Snoopy: In all the times I was in the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm, we never had table scraps. No, sir. We had good solid dog food.

Snoopy: Table scraps! Outrageous!

Charlie: All right, forget the whole thing. See you, tomorrow.

Snoopy: Let's not be hasty. What's a few table scraps among friends.

Charlie: *Sigh*

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