Spring Training

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Today's another day of practice,and all of Charlie's team is ready, well almost ready.

Charlie: Alright, team. I had all winter to figure out what went wrong and I think I know why we lost.

Charlie: We lacked skills, We lacked discipline, We lacked focus.

Charlie: Those are the things that are the backbone of a good team.

Charlie: And the key to a strong backbone is organization.

Charlie: So I've wrote down the names of each player and when position they play, and I've attached it to a clipboard.


Charlie: So today we are going to practice the fundamentals, let's start with batting practice.

Linus is first up to bat.

Charlie: Linus, do you think you should bat without your blanket?

Linus: Oh,no, Charlie Brown. I do much better with it. Wait and see.

Linus swings, and his blanket goes flying and lands on Charlie Brown head.

Schroeder: Wow, Charlie Brown, Did you see that?

Charlie: Lucy, you're up next!

Lucy: I'm raring to go, manager.

Lucy: I've been practicing all winter with  this bat you lend me .

Charlie: AAK!! What happened with my beautiful bat?!

Charlie: Were you hitting rocks with it.

Lucy: You didn't lend me any baseballs.


Lucy: I heard the Yankees have a good shot at the super bowl this week.

Charlie: Now this is what we call  sliding practice.

Charlie: I want each of you to come into third base  and show me your best slide.

Linus slides headfirst. Shermy slides foot first, and Snoopy jumps and spins and lands on his feet.

Charlie: Every team has to have a class clown.

Charlie: You have to watch the coaches three signals.

Charlie: One finger will be the high ball, Two fingers will be the low ball, and three fingers will be the broad area in between.

Charlie Brown sees Linus  having a glove on his head.

Charlie: Quit the clowning. You'll never catch a ball like that.

Charlie walks to Lucy. Lucy is not  listening.

Charlie: If I touch my cap like this, that means to let the first pitch go by.

Charlie: And most importantly, If I...

Lucy: It must be fun to be a bird flying in the sky.

Linus catches the baseball. PLOP!

Snoopy acts like the World War I flying ace on second base.

Charlie: Being a manager is hard work.

5 takes the swing and it hits Schroeder.

Charlie: Our first game is next week, and were not anywhere near ready.

Violet sleeps and the ball goes right by her.

Charlie: I've done everything I can to prepare this team.

Charlie: *Sigh*

Lucy is trying to catch , and she misses all of them.

Charlie: I'm the only team made up of little league rejects.

Charlie: I cant stand it!

Charlie: We're terrible. Terrible!! This is my fault-- You had faith in me as your manager and I've let you down..

Schroeder: If that's all you're worried about, just forget about it...

Schroeder: Because we never had any faith in you.

Charlie Brown snatches Linus's blanket and put it over his head.

Good Grief!

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