Umbrella Fella

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Lucy and Linus are at the library. It is raining and they have to go home.

Lucy: Rats.

Lucy: We can't walk all the way home from the library in the rain.

Lucy: Run home and get me an umbrella, Linus, So your pretty older sister doesn't have to get wet.

Lucy: Or else!

Linus: *Gulp*

Linus (to his blanket): Don't Worry, Ol Pal. I won't get you wet in the storm.

Linus: It'll probably clear up soon. We can wait it out!

Lucy is in the library reading a book. Linus pushes the books.

Linus: I think the rain cleared up.

Lucy: AUUGGH!!!

Linus: If we wait a little while, I won't have to get my blanket wet.

Lucy snatches Linus's blanket.

Lucy: I'll hold on to your blanket while you get the umbrella.

Lucy: NOW GET OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!!


Linus: It's going to be tricky staying dry in this downpour.

Linus grabs a newspaper and put it over his head.

Charlie Brown sees Linus and wants to help. 

Charlie: This way, Linus. It's nice and dry in the awning!

Meanwhile, Marcie is riding a bicycle with a raincoat on. It splashes in Charlie Brown's face.

Linus: Thanks, Charlie Brown.

Linus's newspaper is wet, and that is when he sees Snoopy, he rushes with Snoopy on his head, then runs home, gets the umbrella and runs back.

Linus taps Lucy with the umbrella to get her attention.



Lucy: Yeah, Yeah

Lucy: Now give my that umbrella.

Linus: Why are you always so crabby? I went through rain, sleet, and hail to give you this umbrella.

Lucy: I suppose you want a sister who's sickeningly sweet and all nicey-nicey.

Lucy swipes the umbrella and throws Linus his blanket.

Linus: Thirty years from now you'll love me.

Linus makes a hood from it's blanket.

Linus: Sisters always love there brothers thirty years later.

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