A Buggy Situation

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In the game room:

Donnie was currently playing on one of the arcade games in the room. As Leo was leaning on the side of it, impatiently waiting for his turn. Leo looked around, to see if any of the other arcades were open. But as soon as he looked up his eyes widened in horror.

"Uh, Donnie? Donnie. Donnie!" Leo silently panicked as he shook Don's shoulder.

"Not now Leo. I just need to get this frog through one more street and..." Don continued to play.

"Donnie, we got a bit of a buggy situation here." Leo grabbed Donnie by the face and forcibly turned it towards the ceiling.

Donnie's eyes widened in shock. "Gasp. It's an Oozesquito."

The Oozesquito flies out of the game room.

"Don't just stand there. Hurry up and get your net out." Leo told Donnie through his teeth.

"Don't tell me what to do." Donnie then proceeded to transform his tech bo, into a net.

The twin turtles continued to panic in silence and tried their best to not look suspicious as they tiptoed out of the game room. Lucky for them, everybody in the room was too absorbed by their games to even notice their strange behavior.

In the hallway, they found the Oozesquito landing on an air vent, near the ceiling.

"Careful, Don. We'll lose the Oozesquito if it gets in the air vent." Leo quietly warned as they slowly approached the bug.

"I know, now shut it." Donnie gripped onto his net tightly as the pressure to catch this mutant bug started to rise. His heart seemed to be thumping louder and louder with every, other, excruciating step forward.

After what seemed like forever. The Oozesquito started to crawl away from the air vent.

"*gasp* Get ready Don, this is your chance." Leo let out his breath without even knowing when he held it.

"I said zip it Leo. I need to focus here." Donnie said, waiting for just the right moment with a slightly trembling hand. He carefully lifted his net up and was about to swing it but then...

Two ferrets crashed into Donnie, knocking him down to the floor.

"Ahh!!! Get it off of me! Get it off of me!" Donnie was flailing his arms in distress.

Leo grabbed the two crazy ferrets.

"Ah! Get back here!" Mindy called out as she ran towards them.

With all the yelling going on. The Oozesquito flew into the air vent and as the turtles saw this, they let out an annoyed groan.

By the time Mindy stood in front of the two disguised teens, she was completely short of breath. "*phew* Sorry... about that."

"See, I was feeding Miss Wellwick's ferrets. Because the regular sitter called in sick at the last minute and asked me to do it." Mindy explained. "Even though I got my own lousy job to worry about but no... 'It's no problem at all!' I had to say." She mumbled bitterly.

"Anyways, I guess I ended up leaving the door just a little bit too open and well... now we're here." Mindy finished rambling with a smile that was only partly genuine.

"Oh it's... fine." Leo handed her the ferrets.

"Yeah, sure, whatever." Donnie stood up and brushed himself off.

Mindy attaches leashes to the ferrets and puts them down. "*sigh* Again, sorry. They're... 'usually' more well behaved." She admitted calmly. "You must be pretty special 'considering' pets can tell who is a good person." Mindy said with a small chuckle.

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