Voice recording ####:

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Voice recording ####: Violet ####

"I hurt myself again today. Sometimes I think.... I think that maybe someone will come along and say 'hey... be my friend...' so that maybe I wouldn't be alone anymore."

Silence settles for a little while before the voice picks up again

".... all that's left is lamb and her splicers... I lost everything. But. Now I'm just being selfish aren't I....."

A long sigh echos. The recorder seemed to be sitting in a hall or a large room..

"Not long until they find me. Maybe if I could find some wine it will calm my nerves.... talking to another person is better than talking to a fucking little machine but.....

It's all I have... I more of found it honestly.

Soon the cameras will come online and recognize me as an enemy and... a blonde man won't jump out and save me again...

I wonder where he ended up.... no doubt he was probably killed once the place fell.... I haven't seen him. I've seen the guards he kept and.... and heard the whirring of the god damned security bots..... what good are they.... if he is alive he no doubt wants to keep me away anyways..... I wasn't..... very nice..... I was polite and kind.... but I had an emotionless and... and blank stare whenever he tried to be nice..."

A small whimper came from the woman speaking.

"... last time I was nice to him they tried feeding me to sharks... that little shark tank above.... above that office.... they held me over it and..... and the sharks helplessly jumped and begged for me to be dropped....... just..... just so they could tear me to bits....."

A little while of silence before the machine cut off. The last small noise was barely recorded... those who listened closely could hear...

An alarm sounding..


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