Voice Recording #3: depths

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Voice Recording #3: depths; Violet ####

The voice picked up a few moments after the recorder turned on. The operator seemed to still be getting the hang of it.

"... Today was.... different..."

Maybe a bit older now? Something was odd about the girls voice. It was more mature.

"... I haven't used this thing in quite a few years. I'm.. sixteen now.... my... assigned birthday was yesterday....

I snuck out..."

There was a sigh. Softly.

"... I saw Fontaine with a child. Not to much younger than I am. He was teaching him who to shoot. He used me as an example of who to shoot. The boy didn't want to shoot, it seemed. He wanted to just be a normal boy.

Like I once wanted to be a normal girl.

I brushed the words Fontaine said right off my shoulder. I went on my way. I found some chocolate and.. some cake and such... I brought it back and ate in my room.

My birthday, If it even was my true birthday, Was boring. I spend most of it in my room. I painted on a new mask. A backup mask if you will.

Ryan had some of his buddies over. This man named Bill, a whorish looking woman named Diane. A few people I didn't know of course. I retreated as soon as I saw them.

They ate dinner and the cake without me of course. They could care less what the occasion was for. They were happy to be in a safe place.

This morning I walked out of my room and attempted to talk to Ryan. I wanted to ask why Fontaine hated me...

It seemed he already knew what I was going to ask. And..... Fontaine and the boy were in the room.

Ryan quickly led me away. He explained in his best politician voice that 'you're suppose to settle with a rich man and stay away from dopes like the fontaines'

I was confused. Honestly.
It was the first time he was worried with who I was near...
of course that just makes me want to stay around that boy....."

The voice recorder clicks off.

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