Voice Recording #6: Guests..

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Voice Recording #6:  Guests..; Violet ####

The recorder slowly clicked on.. A wonder that the girl even decided to get a new one. She barely ever spoke to it yet she wanted it... needed it...

"I..... I hate Ryan, i mean i don't actually hate him... I'm just mad right now.... How can he drag more people down to this hell... 

He invited some more of his rich friends.. They have daughters my age... not that i actually wanted to talk to them.. I hope he doesn't introduce them to that kid.. Fontaines kid.... I heard him telling them about him...

What a sweet name.. Sam.... Such a happy man... Much happier when he is killing the likes of my kind.... Ryan injected me with plasmids... he called them... to see what i would do.. How i would react...

It was so painful... He knew what happened.. He probably just wanted another reason to punish me and hate me....

Also he knew Sam hated splicers.... Now i suppose i am labeled as one of those deformed people running rampant... I'll never have a friend... It truly is hopeless... Maybe if i talk to him, sam i mean, he won't be that rude.... He can't be... especially if i follow the etiquette of speaking to someone in higher power. "

Silence fell over the girl. Soon the calling of a proud voice came through-

She gave a sigh... silently pushing the recorder around-

"Well... I have to go meet them now..."

The recorder clicked off..

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