One || The Dreams

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She comes closer. Her dirty, white dress. The chest part soaked with blood. "Use it with great responsibility." She says to me, her midnight abyss colored hair draped stringily past her shoulders. She warned me. Every year. May 22nd. She seemed to get scarier every year. This year my 17th birthday, her skin got paler. Horns seemed to slowly grow from under her disheveled hair. I was so scared that during my 18th birthday I would see her full form. That the horns would be sprouted and her face would shift maliciously. I was so afraid of her.

I always have been.

"Happy 17th birthday my baby girl!" Your mother said happily but then frowned. You knew why she frowned. It's officially been seventeen years since your grandmother died. Malinda your grandma had become deceased the day that you had been born.

Every birthday was just a reminder that she died. It was hard for your mother to bear. She'd usually have a drink and leave you alone for the rest of your birthday. You usually never spent it with her. Yet for some reason she says we must spend this year together.

This year is supposedly very special.

You're not sure why the big old seventeen would be so special.

"Honey, how was your rest last night?" Your mother asked, like she did every year but you always had the same thing to report. "Creepy lady".

It was your birthday today May 23rd and you just wanted to rewind and forget about that creepy dream.

*It's so close to completion*

You heard my mother say. Well not say but think. You've kept mind reading a secret. Obviously not when you were younger but of course no one would believe you back then.

What's close to completion? Sometimes your mother thinks the strangest things, you usually just laugh them off and move on with your day.

•Ding Dong•

"I'll get it!" You yelled while jumping up excitedly, very well knowing who came to see you extra early today for your birthday. Your mother stared at you as you ran all the way to the door. The door knob felt warm and welcoming as you opened it up and invited your friends inside.

"We brought you gifts Y/n." Your friend Jin, the eldest of you all had said and he awed at the reaction you brought forth of their presence.

"She's seventeen but still acts like a baby." Yoongi said teasing you. You laughed not letting his cocky, cool-guy tone effect you. You went up to each of them making sure to give them a hug.

"Okay so what dangerous life threatening thing do you have planned for your birthday this year?" Taehyung asked while laughing.

"I would never, last year and the previous weren't that bad." You said trying to hold up your point.

"I think the older you get the crazier you get." Namjoon added in and you laughed.

"Okay just because some unlucky things happened last year and previously it wasn't my fault." You said. It seemed every year was pretty unlucky on this day.

Last year you went snorkeling with them and for some reason there was a rock thrown at your head. It wasn't by a person and your not sure how that happened. Although you passed out and fell close to the floor of the lake. Of course the guys noticed you and got to you before it was too late but all the years have always been close to you dying.

"Can we please not do something dangerous this year Y/n I don't want you to die." Jungkook says being the only caring one among your friends.

"I mean we didn't do anything bad before but I guess we can do something that won't include dying." You say. "How about shopping?" You ask and the guys nod along, feeling pressure come off of their shoulders as they sigh in relief.

Your mother comes into the room and stands next to you. Putting her shoulder around you. "Honey I thought we could hang out together." Your mom says. You didn't forget that she wanted to have a birthday with you.

"Of course mom that's why your coming, aren't you?" You asked. Your mother frowned, "I mean I was hoping we could stay home together, just the two of us." She said.

"Oh well of course I ca-"

"Go out with your friends honey, I wouldn't have it any other way." She says cutting you off.

*Next year, that is the year Malinda*

You can hear her thoughts boom through your mind even louder. "Huh?" You ask backing away as a headache pounces at your head from your mothers thought.

Hoseok puts his arm around your waist, worried you'll fall. "Are you sure your feeling up for doing something this year Y/n?" Hoseok asks and you nod.

"Of course I am, let's go!" You say excitedly while ignoring the pain. You didn't want to think about her thoughts.

You all waved goodbye to your mother and made your way to the mall. You all walked there. Good thing you conveniently live in a smaller town.

You all enter the mall and begin to walk around. As you all look for a good store to enter you begin to hear something.

*I really hope she doesn't get into trouble this year, it would be quite heartbreaking*

You look next to yourself and you can definitely tell that was Jin's thought. "Hey over there!" Taehyung said while pointing at the store. It looked like a new store. Since you all live here you've been to every store there is but this one was new.

Of course it sparked interest. "Let's check it out." You said and the guys followed along. It was a clothing store. Hoseok and Jimin were more than happy that it was clothing. They loved their clothes and styling.

You stuck with the guys until you felt the urge to use the bathroom. "I'm going to go find the restroom, don't leave me." You said jokingly and Jimin laughed. "Don't worry we will." You rolled your eyes and walked over to the big restroom signs.

You passed through all the clothing but got trapped when there were clothing racks all around you. You didn't take the right path to your destination.

It looked like a darker part of the store and you couldn't help but walk closer, more curious.

"Help." You heard a voice creek out from the dark. You pulled out your phone and put on the flashlight. You instantly screamed and fell to the ground when you saw a dead body.

A female, that looked just like you. Although she was dirty and paler. She slowly used her arms to try and drag her lifeless body towards you. Your heart beat jumped out of your chest as you used your hands and legs to scoot backwards.

Your back hit something and you couldn't go back any further. You looked up and saw a face making you scream.

"Y/n, calm down!" A familiar voice rang and he grabbed your shoulders. You soon recognize the face to be Jin's.

*Poor girl*

"We should get going." He said and the tears clouded your vision.

"No, no there's a girl." You pointed towards the dark part of the section. Although when you wiped your tears off it was bright as day. No one was there anymore.

What was happening?

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