Five pt2 || Abandoned

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Jungkook turned around to see a figure in the far distance and he panicked, grabbing your arm he pulled you into the abandoned building with him, having the door slightly opened for a peak.

"W-Where are we?" You ask as you looked around. Jungkook moved his attention from the peak in the door to turn and look at the room that your widened eyes were laid upon. The walls seemed to be decaying and there was plenty of tear, but that's expected with an old house, that's not what you and Jungkook were focused on though.

There were strange substances on the walls and floor and some tables, not your normal table but a lab type table. Not just that but there were chairs, it looked like the electrocution chair and like in the movies- it had the strange metal helmet on top.

"Ooh this is interesting." Jungkook says as he begins to journey around the spooky area. You frown to yourself and follow Jungkook around. There's very old stairs that were prominent when you entered the building as they were right next to the door. Jungkook goes up them and you speak to try and stop him.

"Are you sure we should be in here?" You ask.

"Lighten up, this is interesting- besides, do you really want to be outside in the sight of whatever that persons intentions were?" He asked and you just stood still while looking at him dumbfounded.

He continued to walk up the creaky stairs and so you made a move on it as you didn't want to be left alone. You followed him up the stairs and saw even more of those chairs.

"You'd be doomed if you could mind read." Jungkook said with a laugh and you nervously laughed along with him as his joke wasn't funny to you. "Ooh." He said as he went over to touch a hole in the wall. You slapped his hand away.

"No, don't touch it." You said.

"Why?" He whined. A rat comes from the floor and you scream while backing away. "Y/n, are you really that scared? Out of all the friends I would expect you to be the least scared." He said with a frown as if he was really looking forward to scaring you all night.

You try to lighten up and softly smile to him. "Of course- but isn't this all a little suspicious, like we've been around this area before- I swear but, we haven't seen this building."

"All the better." He spoke adventurously, countering your argument. You just slowly nodded to him and continued to explore with him. He gasps and you come closer to him and look in his direction.

It's a cell, a unit of cells, a prison. The words help were spread on the wall in either dried blood or feces. That wasn't the big concern though . . . as there was a skeleton of a human, it seemed so old that it slowly began to drift off into dust.

A whimper left your mouth, by the surprise of it. "J-Jungkook I think we should leave." You said, this couldn't have been a prank. The smell of the room was all to real and the feeling of torture was dreaded here. You could just tell.

"O-Okay." Jungkook said, this time he wasn't hesitant and slowly followed behind you as you found your way back to the stairs.

You began to descend down the stairs but halfway you stop when you stare at a figure from the bottom of the staircase. It looked like a demon, it's skin dark and deformed and the horns easily creeping above it's head. A strange black liquid left from it's lips.

You fell backwards on the stairs and sat on a step as you slowly tried to move backwards while using your hands and legs doing a type of crab walk. Screams left your mouth and it smiled maliciously.

"Don't trust anyone, or you'll end up here too."

It's voice sounded like a low growl and it terrified you, you had no thought in trying to decipher it's words. Jungkook came from behind you and grabbed your shoulders, you turned back to look at him and turned your head to look back in front of you. It was gone. You stood up and your hand was covered in a fresh red, your hand touched blood.

The door slammed shut and Jungkook and you ran to it. You could tell Jungkook was trying his best to remain as calm as possible but even he screamed. He shakily pulled out his paper clip and began to fidget with the door and you turned around to see the demon again.

Tears began to fall from your eyes and you scream-cried out loud as you didn't know what do to. You begged Jungkook to hurry but with the state he was in it would be almost impossible for him to go any faster.

He finally unlocked and opened the door, he let you out first as you ran out terrified. The door slamming shut again and Jungkook being stuck inside was your worst fear. You tried to fidget with the door knob yourself from outside and the calming night seemed to be filled with your terror filled noises.

Jungkook could feel a presence behind him, his heart beating faster and faster he finally turned around. Seeing nothing, he sighed to himself in relief and turned back around while trying to figure out the door again.

You noticed it was silent inside the building and your loudness turned into silent cries and you fell to your knees while keeping your hand on the knob. No sound came from Jungkook whatsoever but the door finally opened and he got out of it.

You kept your head low as you cried, thinking that you lost Jungkook. You weren't scared of the demon anymore at that point.

"Y/n, it's okay, I'm right here." He cooed while bending to your level and placing a calming hand on your back as he stroked it, letting you complete your vast river flowing from your eyes. You finally stopped and turned to him, jumping on top of him. He fell backwards on the ground and you hugged him tightly while on top, with a smile through your tears.

"Thank goodness you're okay." You said happily, you never knew you could act so rash out of emotion. You really thought you might've been crazy. Jungkook smiled and flipped you over so he hovered over you.

*Should I do it now?*

Jungkook thought to himself and you looked at him confused.

"What did I say about play fighting when the situation was a bad one?" He said softly by your ear. You were bewildered when you felt his lips touch yours. You could've never guessed Jungkook thought of you that way, you both always nagged at each other, maybe it was just the heat of the moment?

His soft lips grazed yours effortlessly as an attempt to show his appretiation to you. His kiss felt hungry and perfect as if he was waiting for this moment for a while. His lips were soft and his hand went to yours, intertwining them together.

Something felt off though, you've never thought of him that way, you've never thought of any of your friends this way. As a matter of fact you've never once thought of anyone that way.

He finally pulled away from the kiss for air and he smiled to you and you softly smiled back. You let go of his hand and sit up on your elbows. He could tell your smile wasn't very convincing and he softly frowned.

"D-Do you not feel the same?" He asked softly while looking away.

You didn't want to hurt him, and you also wanted to be completely honest but- you didn't know. How can you prove anything when you don't know yourself? His frown deepened as you hadn't answered his question and you frowned to him.

"I-I don't know." You said voice half-cracking. You couldn't get his hopes up especially if in time the answer comes to a no. He gets up off of you and sighs.

"It's okay, I can't expect you to know but- I wanted to let you know, I've always thought of this." He said, his honesty left your mouth agape. You wanted to let him know it would be okay but it all depends on his reaction and you just weren't sure.

You softly grab his hand. "Uhm, I don't want to get your hopes up- just in case that is, but we did just have a terrifying experience so I can't really decide anything right now." You said and he slowly nodded, his frown still noticeable.

"Y/n, Jungkook?" A voice said and you both faced your direction to the guy who just walked up to you.

"What the hell are you two doing in the middle of nowhere?"

Woah two updates in 1 day, craaazy. Anyways I love writing this book so thanks for reading? <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2020 ⏰

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