Five || Abandoned

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After the commotion dies down from the boys at the lunch table mostly everyone is invested in their food. Although Jin being Jin had to have some sort of conversation with his food, which made him the more into his food.

"Y/n, what are your plans for the weekend?" Jin asked while directing his attention fully to you. You look at him like a squirrel who just filled your cheeks and you looked more suspicious as you were stealing food from Namjoon's plate. Jin looks at you and giggles, slowly gulping your food you nervously blushed and laughed at your embarrassment.

Ignoring his presence that saw you, you continued to answer his question. "Well my mom isn't going to be home for the rest of the week, so I just decided to have a chill weekend by myself." You said boringly as you went back to picking at your own food.

"Oh." Jin said sheepishly as if he was going to ask you something. You just nodded and continued on attacking the plate in front of you.


"Ah, I can now finally begin this book in the comfort of my own home." You said nerdy and excitedly as it was 10 pm and your mother had left to go out of town for the week. She said it was to meet family which is weird that she didn't take you along but you wont complain. You get the house to yourself, piece and quiet where you can read your book like the loser you are.

*Ring* *Ring*

You sigh to yourself as you were interrupted by a phone call, making you have to lose your comfy position in bed. You sit up and grab your phone, looking at the caller ID you notice Jungkook's calling you. You pick it up.

"Yes Kook?" You ask.

"Can we hang out?"

You furrow your brows to yourself, you know he heard at the table when you wanted to be left alone this weekend, but it was Jungkook, how could you say no? "I-I guess."

"Why do you sound unsure? I know I'm not good enough." He said, his voice sounding sad.

You gasp to yourself. You guys may play fight all the time but he's your best friend."N-no, why would you get that Idea Jungkook, of course I-"

He laughs, "I know you wanted to hang out by yourself this weekend, but I want to use any opportunity I can to tease you."

You pinch your nose and sigh, "Just hurry up and come over bone head."

"Bone head?" He begins to complain on and on.

You hang up on him and take in your victory with a snide laugh and continue to read on while waiting for Jungkook.


Your eyes drift over to the door, your heart rate increases as you try to tell yourself the house was old. Your mother had always said she found comfort in the old-creaky homes. You never really took into account how scared you might get without another person in the house. It had only been a minute since you were on the phone with Jungkook, so it definitely wasn't him, plus the door was locked.

Your eyes widen when you notice the door handle start to get fiddled with. Who was in your house? You couldn't think of anything fast enough to do so you put your head under your covers. Surely then no one could get to you. Obviously your childish ideas were weak but you were too scared to what could've been happening.

You hear the door open and you swear your heart stopped, in this situation you wouldn't have mind. You could hear creaking as whatever was there was walking closer to your bed. It stopped right beside your bed and you put your hand over your mouth while trying to be quiet.

"AH!" You screamed as the thing jumped on top of you. You continued to scream and kick, which moved the blanket away from your head and you saw a person laying across your stomach. "Jungkook!" You yelled annoyed by him and all he could do was laugh.

"You should see the look on your face!" He yelled with big attacks of laughter on his part as you continued to stare at him, agitated.

"How did you get here so quick, and how the HELL did you get into my house!?" You yelled while shoving him off of yourself and sitting up with a fixed expression.

"Calm down, it's just me but if I were a serial killer- you just need to know you're a bad hider." He said while still laughing and you got annoyed by him, this time not responding to him and looking away. "You're so red, lighten up Y/n~iie." He cooed and your face went only a little bit softer by his voice but you were still angry with him, not to mention flustered.

"Okay fine I'll answer your questions, I was already outside of your house when I asked because I knew you wouldn't say no, and you know I'm good at using my trusty old paper clip to break into anything." He said with a shrug.

You had forgotten about that weird talent of Jungkook's and just continued on with pretending that you disliked him. Jungkook continues on, not noticing that you're still 'mad'. "Can we walk around!?" He asked excitedly and you questioned him.

"It's dark." You said looking at him confused and he smiled. "That makes it all the better . . ." He started to get off your bed and held out his hand for you. "and don't worry, if you're scared I'll protect you." He said cockily and you rolled your eyes with a smile as you grabbed his hand and he helped you up.

He led you outside of your own house and you both began to walk around the dark town, that you've called home your entire life. The littlest sound would cause you to jump and Jungkook could tell since he was still latched to your hand. He let go of your hand and began to creepily walk in front of you.

"It's close to midnight~" He began to sing Thriller and you slapped his arm as a sign of him to stop. You loved his singing and he didn't do it enough but you were terrified of Thriller. The Halloween classic always had you shaking in your boots.

"What's wrong with Thriller?" He asked faking a pout and you laughed. "You know I'm scared of it, I refused to watch it with you guys-" Your face went a little bit more serious as you continued on, "and if you turn into a zombie, I wont hesitate to kill you." You said and he laughed.

"Yeah, with the way you hide?" He said in a sarcastic-teasing voice. You pouted and took your defeat silently. "Hey, do you see that?!" He asked as he pointed in the distance and you look over, not seeing anything. Maybe it's because it's dark or you're just blind but you'll just take the latter and admit it.

"No, what are you-" You began to speak but got cut off when his hand grabbed your's aggressively and he began to run, pulling you along. "AH, Jungkook! You know I can't run as fast as you!" You complained as he was tiring you out, your feet dragging along behind your body.

"Look!" He said pointing with his opposite hand, you looked ahead and saw a big abandoned building. In all the years you've lived here, you've never seen this. It had to of been an hour of walking between Jungkook and you. Of course this house browsed curiosity.

You guy's finally reached the house and he stopped and you pulled your hand away from his, putting it on your knees as you bent down dramatically and breathed like you ran a whole marathon. "I might barf, not gonna lie." You said continuing to be over-dramatic.

"Yah, calm down, I've seen you run longer than that!" He said, complaining.

"Yeah, but not at that speed!" You complained back, you guys just continued to bicker back and forth until you heard something in the far distance making the hair on your neck stand.

Jungkook turned around to see a figure in the far distance and he panicked, grabbing your arm he pulled you into the abandoned building with him, having the door slightly opened for a peak.

"W-Where are we?"

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