Four || Black Haired Girl

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You took a step up to the crescent doors of the medium sized school. The kids all wandered around the hallways or sat on the ground by some wall. Although there was one kid in particular that caught your eye. It was a girl with black hair. She stood in the corner by herself and just looked down. She used her hair to hide her face. She seemed very lonely and unbothered.

You knew that your friends were waiting for you in your usual spot but this girl just called to you. You found yourself walking up to her, you couldn't control your own feet. You now stood in front of her, a word didn't come out of your mouth. Wow you're really socially awkward.

She slowly looked up and looked at your eyes. This was the first time you got to see her face from under her hair. She didn't look bad whatsoever, so why would she hide herself with her hair. You soon realized that you both stared at each other too long without a word, making the situation weird.

The bell rang and she pushed past you and walked off. You turned to look back at her and it's like she disappeared because you couldn't spot her anywhere. You shook your head to yourself and went to the classroom.

Most of your morning classes for the day were over so you went to lunch. You were still so curious about that girl, for no reason. You walked into the lunch room expecting to go get your food but instead you're greeted by a warm hug. You take in the scent and you can tell it's Jungkook.

You stay in his embrace for a quick second before pulling away and behind him revealed five other guys. "Where's Yoongi?" You asked as your eyes scanned their faces and when you realized, you were confused on why he wasn't there.

"You mean, where were you?!" Jimin said over dramatically. "Huh?" You asked on what he was talking about? You're here right now, aren't you?

"This morning! We were worried sick that something else fucked up happened to our

"Oh right, sorry I saw someone but where is Yo-"

"Who did you see?" Jin asked curiously.

"Why does that matter right now, where's Yoongi?" You ask a little rudely on how Jin could just interrupt you mid-sentence. It was a regular occurrence of him interrupting people but for some reason you weren't having it. The guys stare at you silently while trying to figure out if you're joking or not. Namjoon clears his throat and finally breaks the awkward silence.

"He went to look for you." Namjoon said with great hesitation. "I can text him and say we found you." He continued as you just stared at the boys before you dumbfounded. 

"That's okay I'm not hungry anyways, I'll go find him myself." You said starting to walk but then Jin stops you, "Y/n, you have to eat, I can find him." You shake your head. "I just feel like it." You didn't want to tell them but you could hear certain thoughts that drafted you a certain way. 

*That girl was too curious . . . Don't think much of it.*

You began your journey to that direction as each thought stifled you and left you wanting to jump out of your seat. You've never been able to hear a thought that far away before which was weird. Something new and strange. You found yourself  in the hallway next to the school library. The thoughts got louder.

*She's nothing but a normal and nosy school girl.*

You shook your head as the thought hurt your head. You're not sure why certain thoughts give you headaches the guys have never done that. You enter the library and your eyes scan across the room and you instantly notice the girl from earlier. Her head stood a little higher than normal but it looked like she slightly gasped as she saw you and she looked back down. She just leaned against a wall with her arms tucked into her chest.

You walked up to her, this time confidently and you restrained yourself from touching her since she seemed visibly uncomfortable. You composed yourself by brushing up your clothes before speaking. "Hi I'm Y/n" You said and she just looked up ever so slightly. "Uhm sorry about earlier . . . that was awkward." You said rubbing the back of your head.

"Y/n . . . I knew that name was familiar." Her voice was lower than most girls as she spoke. Your eyes lit up as you looked at her with a bright smile as she finally spoke to you and she knew you. You wanted to greet her the right way, "Great, lets-" She begins to cut you off as she tilts her head up higher and higher in a slight anger.

"You're that lucky girl who hangs out with those seven hot guys and everyone envies you for it. I'm not sure why you want to talk to me, I'm not attractive and plenty of other girls have tried to be your friend but you've ignored them and the guys hate every girl but you, so what do you exactly want?" She spoke without a pause or hesitation and you swear your jaw was dropping to the ground, well she has a lot to say.

"I'm sorry?" You said not really sure, you just wanted to introduce yourself and maybe become her friend. She places her head back down and you sigh. "Well ignore the past I would like to get to know you now, what's your name?"

"Lucy." She speaks now quietly and you could barely hear but you smile again to her. That's right, you knew her from somewhere. Your old friend Minseo's party, you didn't really want to bring up that memory so you pretended to not know her. "Nice name that's my Aunts name." You said trying to lighten the mood even though that Aunt of yours is dead.

"Oh cool, I'd like to meet her one day." Lucy said and you softly frowned as she laughed creepily. "You know I like you Y/n, now please don't talk to me or about your dead Aunt." You stared at her in shock as she knew your Aunt was dead. This girl was strange, maybe that's why you were  drawn to her. 

"Y/n!" You heard a familiar voice yell as they grabbed your arm and stood beside you. "Why are you talking to Lucy?" He asked and you looked over to see Yoongi. You scrunched your eyebrows in confusion on how he knew Lucy. Although it is a school, you'll most likely known anyone in your year. You just forget about it almost instantly as soon as you realize it's Yoongi.

"Yoons!" You yell going to hug him. You pulled away from him and saw the intense glares being shared by the people who stood by you. "Let's just go." You said and grabbed Yoongi's arm to glide him away from Lucy before he was about to rip her throat out. On the way to the lunch room Yoongi kept bombarding you with questions on why you were with her but you just said I wasn't even though he clearly didn't believe you but after going back and forth for an eternity he finally stopped, knowing he wouldn't get an answer out of you.

You sat at the table picking at your food with a small frown on your face. "Is everything okay Y/n?" Hoseok asked the question that everyone else at the same table was wondering. You sighed and slightly nodded. Jimin chuckled as he put his arm around you. "Doesn't seem like it, what's bothering you?" 

"Well . . ." You wanted to word the question right so it didn't sound stupid but it still did so you just continued on, "Are people jealous of me because I get to hang out with you guys?" You said and everyone of them looked at each other and laughter busted out upon them. You pout with rolled eyes. Namjoon noticed how you still weren't joking and he spoke his wise words.

"Just hear me out Y/n, if anyone is then their just sour and have a need to still find their own purpose." Namjoon and said and everyone else nodded along except for the three youngest of the group. "Yeah whatever papa Joon said." Jungkook said as a joke and Taehyung and Jimin joined him in more with how Namjoon was like a wizard and was old. You can't help but laugh at their jokes.

"Now you got Y/n laughing, I hate you guys." Namjoon said with tilted eyes and a sad-faking expression. 

"I hope it stays fun like this forever!" Taehyung says with a cute boxy smile as he practically jumps out of his seat. 

"Me too Tae, me too."

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