Chapter 38

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Juele sat in the corner of the cell, humming to himself. Every once in awhile, Maya would ask a question to which Jules provided a satisfactory answer.

"How long have we been in here?" she asked, banging her chained hands against the cell door halfheartedly. She'd given up on escaping, but not on the inside.

"I'd have to say at least a week. It should be October twenty-fourth today." He scratched a mosquito bite, only one of the dozens. They left Maya alone which only increased his frustration.

Her eyes brightened at the mention of the date. "Sehyun is going to be here tomorrow."

"What are you talking about?"

Standing up on excitement, Maya explained, "He kept muttering about meeting some Marty on October twenty-fifth at Belisies Port."

"That's in Tereline, isn't it?"

"Yes, but it's not far from the Arce Ace."

Juele turned back to look at the stone wall, finding that more entertainment than some sliver of hope. "So?"

"I think you know what I mean. You know this castle better than anyone, right?"

"What makes you think that?"

"You-you live here."

He didn't reply.

It was so hard watching him so defeated. From the short time Maya knew him, he seemed like the type of person to never lose, never give up, and to be there for others. But with nothing but a scowl on his face, he seemed so contradictory.

He whispered, "Are you suggesting we break out?"

She hummed.

"We'll be caught."

She smiled, trying to lift the spirits, something she'd always expected James to do. Despite him being the younger sibling, he knew how to make her smile when all she wanted to do was frown. Sehyun used to do the same thing until he gave up after a few tries.

"We can try."

He stood, making the movement slower than necessary. He whistled as he pulled against the chain that held him to the wall. She hadn't noticed before, but he was sweating despite the chill running in the underground dungeon.

A bark came as a reply to his whistle.

"Indie!" Juele called. His voice rumbled through the dungeon.

Another bark came then the sound of jingling keys came. A properly groomed Australian Shepard came running from the halls, the keys to the cell in her mouth.

Indie came and took a seat in front of the prince through the cell bars. She smiled brightly, wagging her tail with enough excitement to tell Jules she was happy to see him.

Juele shed his depressed demeanour and became animated and spoke in a high pitched tone. "Indie. You want to play?"

She wagged her tail harder.

Jules closed the distance between him and the dog, pulling at the chain as much as he could. His feet slipped against the dust and dirt of the cell, nothing he wasn't used to already. "Can you give me a roll-over?"

She did as he asked.

He asked her to do various tricks; roll over, play dead, jump, dance, limp, and even taking a bow.

When Maya asked why, he said, "I need to get her in the mood. She's not trained to drop the keys, but she'll do it eventually.

"Do you need any help?"

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