Chapter 41

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The second the guards spotted Maya and Juele on their horses alongside the dungeon's guard dog, they came after them, immediately deploying onto the courtyard to catch the royals.

Now instead of being worried internally, Juele voiced his fears out loud. "They're going to catch us! I told you we shouldn't have tried to escape."

"You," said Maya, pointing an accusing finger at the prince, the other hand gripped the horse's reins tight, "are such a meater! Stop being so worried!"

As their horses raced on the castle's grounds, getting away from the guards chasing them on their own steeds, all the royals could do was hope for the best. Hope that they would somehow make it out of the castle, make it out of the Arce Ace's grounds without being caught. But Juele wasn't about to jump on "Optimism Train." He'd already hitched a ride on "Anxiety Express."

The wind flowed in their hair and Indie's fur, waking up the poor dog from her slumber. She started barking, obviously not used to riding on a horse at such speed. Juele could provide no comfort to the dog other than a few words.

Maya looked back at the herd of guards upon their horses, chasing them with less intensity than expected. It was almost like they wanted to give the prince a chance to escape. Almost like they knew going after the two of them was wrong.

Neither had done anything but try to simmer down the unwanted conflict.

But the king of Auber was having none of it.

As they neared the castle's exit, one that was closing slower than expected, Juele's knuckle's whitened. His face stiffened into one of fear.

Still, he acted like he was going to be caught.

Within seconds, they reached the heavy iron gates with just enough space for one of them to go through.

Juele slowed down, allowing Maya to pass.

The princess only looked back, worry dripping out her eyes, fear keeping her brows arched. "What are you doing?"

The prince only said, "Catch!" as he threw Indie her way.

Instinctively, Maya reached out to catch the dog who'd perfected her form in midair. Everything slowed down, time froze as Maya caught Indie in her arms just as she passed through the gate.

Had Indie not been a trained dog, she might've have fallen. But the canine kept her body straight in the air.

The gate closed with a thud, leaving a ringing sound in her ears. Maya peered through the small gaps in the gate, hoping to spot Juele who'd opted to stay behind.

Juele had opted to sacrifice himself for Maya to be free.

Maya slowed her horse down to a trot.

"MAYA," Juele said, loud enough to be heard by the princess.

Around her were peasants and the same market she'd seen on her way to the Arce Ace.

"WHAT?" Maya's grip tightened on the reins. She tried not to shiver or whimper, but control on such things never lasted long. She did not wait for his answer before she said, "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THAT."

She heard a faint chuckle, the softest sound she'd heard. It dawned on her that she'd never heard the prince laugh before. Not even when they were on Waihg, a place full of things to be considered hilarious and disgusting.


Maya nodded, somehow expecting Jules to see just as she'd seen his sigh of relief through the tiny window in the gate.

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