chapter six

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owen didn't know how to feel after that confrontation. on one hand, owen understood what curt had said and knew that it was reasonable. on the other hand, it was still curt's fault. if curt hadn't knock down the railing or left that banana peel, owen wouldn't have fallen. they would have both made it up the stairs in time.

if curt hadn't lied and set the timer short, there would've been enough time for curt to get owen out of the facility.

owen hadn't realized that he had started hyperventilating and had curled up into himself. his knee was on fire, but he wasn't paying attention to it. his main focus was to stop crying and get his breathing under control.

it took a little bit before owen got his breathing back to normal, and it wasn't long before he fell asleep.


mrs. mega had made food and decided to check on owen. she opened the door as quietly as she could, shutting it with care. she noticed that he was curled up with his knees to chest, and that the bandages on his knee looked very bloody. owen had probably torn his stitches. didn't he know he would do that if he curled up like that? why did owen do that?

mrs. mega set the plate of food down on the bedside table, before moving to the bed. she carefully tried to unfurl owen, so that he was lying on his back with his legs outstretched. she remembered curt telling her that he had left more bandages and thread in the bedside table. she pulled out all of the supplies she would need and set to work.

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