chapter eight

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owen didn't feel good. that much was evident from the tears welling up in his eyes and the rolling of his stomach. the only good thing that had come about was curt undoing his handcuffs. owen wiped at his eyes before sitting up fully.

his legs swung over the side of the bed, and he gingerly attempted to stand. owen kept one hand on the bed and his other on the table beside it. he found that, when he put his weight on his right leg, he could stand.

walking was a completely different story.

curt came rushing into his room almost immediately after owen crashed to the ground. "owen?! what the hell are you doing?!"

curt moved over to help him back into the bed, checking to see if owen had torn his stitches again. miraculously, there wasn't any blood on the bandages, so curt assumed he hadn't torn the stitches.

"what were you doing out of bed? you could have seriously hurt yourself, owen!"

"as if i'm not already injured," owen responded with a roll of his eyes.

"owen, i'm serious. why did you think it was a good idea to do that?"

"i'm tired of being stuck lying and sitting down. i just wanted to get up and walk around a bit. is that such a crime?"

"it is when you got shot in the knee and you've given yourself less than two days to recover. you can't just try and do that, owen."

owen looked down at his lap, resentment and sadness brewing in his chest.

"give yourself some more time. maybe a week or two. after that, then maybe you can try to walk on it. you probably won't be able to do that, but just maybe you will. just don't try to do something like this again, please."

owen slowly nodded his head before moving to lie down. he turned his back to curt and shut his eyes. he heard curt sigh as he stood and left the room.

owen easily fell into a fitful sleep.

just so you guys know, i may not post friday (as i'm trying to post tuesdays & fridays) because i have run out of ideas for the next chapter and don't really have anything to post after this. if you have any ideas, headcanons, or tropes you'd like to see in this story, leave a comment with them please! (i desperately need ideas)

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