Chapter One

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oww what's up with this aching pain your body felt sore all over, as if a bus had hit you just a few seconds ago. plus everything felt cold and your eyes felt heavy.

groaning you weakly lift your arms up to have your hands rub your eyes awake from the slumber they're currently in.

when your eyes finally open you noticed a white ceiling that was made out of something smoother than a usual popcorn ceiling.

confused you sit up ignoring the pounding pain in your head to check your surroundings.

everything was different then your bland room, it was a whole cafeteria with five blue circular sitting areas. on the sides and underneath of you were doorways to some place that you don't know about.

however not realizing at first, you now spot other people in the condition you were previously in.

you observe the others, they were in some type of space suit with different designs and colors on them making them stand out from each other which quickly makes you check yourself out.

your eyes scan your arms and then legs. you realize that you were in a space suit of some kind too.

your suit represents the color brown.

after a couple minutes you decided to get up from the ground. once you are on your feet you feel quite wobbly feeling as if you could fall right back down any second or so.

yet you fought the urge to not do that exact thing because falling down isn't something you're thinking of doing today.

quickly right after you regained your balance a couple of the others started to awaken from their spots with groans of pain due to the aching, you assumed.

you blinked as you watch them get up while making eye contact with each other.

waving, you greeted them with a confused tone as they turned away from you to walk away. before getting to tap them on their shoulder a message was shown inside of your helmet which as you guessed everyone else saw it too due to their little jumps of surprise.

"welcome to among us
a game where there is two among you who will be slaughtering you for victory yet there's a chance of winning, your crewmates must finish all their tasks to claim victory or vote off the imposters among you before they get you. watch out however you may vote off an innocent."

a scarily robotic female voice read off the words through a speaker inside the helmet before another text shown but without the said voice reading it off.

you are

once that message faded away, a timer started to count down by 5 with a loud bang noise after each number appears.

your heartbeat starts to speed up, becoming anxious of this event that suddenly has started without any backstory to how you have became a character in, you're guessing, a game?

the count down has finished and everyone confusingly started walked around the big building without a second thought as if they were programmed to do so.

you flipped open the map by hitting a random button on your wrist. the map littered the inside of your helmet, you could see everything besides the other people that are here with you as well.

you see a '!' in random spots of the map. at first you didn't know what in the world that could be but after a few thoughts into it you figured it could be tasks you need to complete quickly.

so without hesitation you make your way to a room called electrical which really worried you because you're super bad at fixing things that deals with wires or just electrical things in general.

on your way there you see another person a little ahead of you going the same way that you're heading to.

trying again, you catch up to the person to be beside them but they noticed how close you got and immediately move away from you which caught you by surprise.

before they ran off however you got a scan of what color and what they looked like. he was a boy, maybe around 16 years old, and had soft facial features which complimented his brown side swept hair. he also was quite short probably being average female height, the thought made you chuckle. cyan was their identification color.

coming back to your senses you now realize why they reacted the way he did.

he didn't want to die

continuing on more cautiously you make your way to the desired room. when entering the room lit up to make it more clear for you to see what needs to be done.

yet before you could even get near the glowing square box, somewhat above a vent, a alarm went off and suddenly you're back at the cafeteria. this time sitting down in the middle table with everyone else.

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