Chapter Eight

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checking status..




george was not imposter...

"oh we fucked up.." said a voice before the game poofs you back into the game.

they were right we did fuck up, big time.

you stood there not knowing what to do, watching as tubbo and wilbur stand by the table. not really moving an inch.

you mentally groan to yourself waiting for the imposter to make their move.

you would try an emergency call, but those were not given to anyone this round. sadly. (an: please understand that i did this for a reason!!)

anytime now, you thought, any time now either tubbo or wilbur is going to murder the other.

'should i even bother with doing tasks?' you wonder.

george's pov

'hmm hmm hmm' he hums as does a tasks until an alarm goes off.

he runs over to admin from lower engine room instantly.

once in he spots bad who seemed to be struggling with the code.

he goes up to him and gestured him to move aside but the other wasn't budging at all which made him to become just a little forceful.

george slightly pushes bad over to the side with his shoulder so be could type in the code, but that made bad do the same back.

giving him a 'really you muffin head?' look.

the younger male sighed and held up the sticky note up for the older so he doesn't have a harder time.

finally finishing up with that he now noticed that there were one more other person there instead of just him and bad.

he doesn't bother to say hi or anything and continues his way to do card swipe.

'aww screw this card swipe task!' he annoyingly thought to himself as he struggled with the card swipe.

right when he got confident with the card swipe a body just had to be found.


"wow good going quackity, you really had me" george sighed out as he continued on with the game.

he followed along with bad, wilbur, and tubbo to the left side of the map while y/n went straight down towards storage.

everything was fine, they watched bad do a task and then stood in security for a little until they lights went out.

he knew something bad was going to happen.

while waking down, they reach the beginning of the lower engine hallway to electrical was when someone kills poor bad.

george instantly seen the report button appear and instantly hits it.

once in the discussion room he started to accuse the others due to the fear of being there while bad was killed in the dark without even knowing.

yet nobody believed him which frustrated him but it was just a game so he just sighed and sat back letting the process do its thing.


all votes, besides george's, were on his bar making him frown.

"aaaaugh it wasn't meeee" george whined out as he was sent out to space.

y/n's pov

you watched as wilbur and tubbo walk up to you with knowing looks.

you suddenly feel frightened by their closeness which happened so sudden.

wilbur looked over to tubbo with a short nod as tubbo returned one back.

and that's when you knew, it was your time to go now.

with a huff you make eye contact with tubbo? wilbur? you didn't know which one to look at so you shut your eyes preparing for the worse.

'kill me already' you thought and on cue you were killed so quickly.

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