Chapter Two

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everyone that sat there was silent while awkwardly glancing at each other not knowing what to exactly do.

after that exchange of awkwardness someone finally spoke up, his accent piercing through the air to your ears.

"the body was found in communications" was what the man has said while sighing before going silent again.

you examine the older male, his representative color being white which perfectly matched him and his space suit. he had such messy yet nicely fitted hair upon his head that could probably cover his eyes if he straightened it downwards.

making eye contact you immediately looked away not wanting to have another awkward situation uprise.

you sighed after realizing they won't talk as much to each other so you decided to speak up.

"i was with uhh" you swipe on your arm to check out the players list and you read off the name. "the color cyan? tubbo?" it came out more as a question rather than a statement.

another british voice sprang up which belongs to the said man.

"oh right! i was with you" he pointed then clasped his hands together being all cute 'n shit which made you smile.

"ah! i was in the medical room scanning, and uhm george was watching" said a new voice who sat across from you.

red, which was sapnap, another player among them. you just nodded in acknowledgment to what sapnap has said. george whom was blue spoke up afterwards.

"i did too do the scan. sapnap just left to quickly without seeing"

"what does scanning have to do with any of this" a voice cuts through confusingly.

this guy had his arm on the table, leaning forward as if he was some type of detective in those old movies.

his color was yellow which matched him perfectly due to his name, quackity.

"i believe they show others that you're a crewmate, but not everyone gets that task" a deeper voice responses to the more higher pitched one.

pink? you giggled at the choice of color as you read off his name, techno. what a name you thought.

"hey i have that task!" a chirpy voice said as he just remembered that he had a task like that in the medical room.

you smile kindly to the black representative as he scrunched his nose up to have his glasses not fall off his face.

"i'll watch you scan badboyha-"

"bad, you can just call me bad" he corrected you quickly so you didn't have to repeat such a long name.

you silently thank him.

"what's the point of being here!!" again a british yet squeaky voice hollered as if he was bottling all that up and letting it all spill suddenly.

"um guessing who killed dre-" techno was instantly cut off.

"you talk to slow, can we hurry things up" tommy spits out which makes you realize you haven't identified the kid. orange was his color.

"i do agree with tommy, you do speak quite slow" quackity let out a hissing sound as if he just 'roasted' techno which received a highfive and loud laughs from the loud kid. it wasn't as funny as the three, including tubbo, thought it was.

you squint your eyes after the unravel of everyone speaking out, now making you realize another thing. there was only nine of them and someone was actually probably dead as they sat there messing around.

"shouldn't we get back on track?" you say while hitting the skip vote button, "now that we have spoken to each other lets just get this over with and finish our task quickly, skip?"

you watched as they agreed while hearing a little plopping noise which indicates that they have voted.

after the last person votes the heads of each of them stack side by side next to the skip vote button.

you swallow thickly once you spawn back in now preparing for anything coming your way.

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