Nine || Midnight

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{My Church ~ Maren Morris}

...When this wonderful world gets heavy, and I need to find my escape, I just keep the wheels rolling, radio scrolling, 'til my sins wash away...


The porch lights twinkle on the outside of the Town Hall as strangers, all dressed in their party dresses and 'good shirts' make their way inside. I feel stupid going in alone, having slipped past Uncle Deacon in his half-drunk sleep by the TV back at the ranch to walk the mile or so along the road into town. There is still heat in the air, and I'm grateful for the airiness of my dark blue sundress. Nothing too fancy, but enough that I don't look straight out of the hay bale.

I know Uncle Deacon won't check in on me, since I made an effort to feign a headache at Dinner, much to the side-eye of Beau. As usual, the two of them talked about the ranch, while I sat in silence. Uncle Deacon and I kept a particular wary distance at dinner after him broaching the subject of Mom earlier. That sore spot is gonna have to wait.

I don't see anyone I recognise, and Scarlett hasn't said anything about this cookout if she would be going. For all, I know It's going to be a small town get together while I make a fool of myself, the weird new girl who doesn't know anything or anyone.

God, what am I doing? I think. Just turn around and go home.

I about-turn and begin to head back towards the road.

"Ruby?" I hear Harley call out, appearing suddenly from inside. "Ruby, wait!"


"Harley, hi," I smile, clenching my teeth into a wide smile to hide my discomfort.

He walks down off the porch and out to meet me by the street, wearing a baby blue shirt and dark jeans. I can't help but notice he dresses very well. It makes me feel underdressed in my shabby little dress, still half-crinkled from the case I haven't unpacked yet.

"You're not leaving, are you?" He asks, and I shake my head. "I didn't think you were going to make it."

"Well," I sigh, relaxing a little. "I thought since I got a hand-delivered invitation it would be rude not to see what the fuss is all about."

"But you were headed the wrong way?" He catches me off guard, forcing me to crumble.

"I shouldn't be here; I'm not meant to be--."

"You'll turn into a pumpkin at midnight?" He remarks, a smile spreading across his face.

"Something like that," I laugh, the tension in my shoulders lessening.

"Well, it's not quite a royal ball in there, but it's somethin'," he tells me, offering me his hand.

I hesitate, thinking of the road back to the ranch, back to the safety of the rules I promised to abide by—no partying. No boys. No trouble. He senses my worry, I think, lowering his hand as his brows furrow a little in contemplation.

"How about I promise to get you back before anyone knows you're gone?"

And just like that, the worry melts away. He doesn't need to say anything else. I take his hand, and he begins to lead me up the porch steps.

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