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A year later Yongsun's business was now one of the most successful Tteokbokki businesses in all of Seoul, she was awarded the Best Entrepreneur Award of the business groups in the whole of Korea. The instant Tteokbokki product made the company successful in the past year, Moonbyul is so proud of her wife, she knows she put a lot of effort to be known in the food industry and her unique Tteokbokki flavor has finally made its way to the public's dining list. Yongsun's company is now officially a part of the Moon Empire, it hasn't been stated publicly and the staff is still curious about how Yongsun manages to become in partnership with the empire. It's still a secret in the company that the wife of their boss is the heiress of Moon Empire since she doesn't give off the rich vibe that the employees watch in dramas.

The heiress has made an impression in Yongsun's company as a loving and caring wife that everybody wants to have, sometimes Yongsun became jealous of some staff who wants to gets the heiress attention but she can't blame them, her wife is so handsome and beautiful. That's why before they go to work, Yongsun makes it a habit of giving Moonbyul a lot of marks all over her neck, it doesn't matter where, but she wants to see it every time she looks at her. Moonbyul is so smitten of her wife that she lets her do everything she wants, she is happy with it and she doesn't want Yongsun to look at other people just as she doesn't look at others too, she doesn't want to get on the bad side of her wife for that matter.

Moonbyul had been close to Yongsun's business partners, the Ahn's, the little puppy and lion as what she calls them, the couple who are also married when they hired them to be one of the managers at the two stalls that first opened and they became her wife's partners after they showed exemplary work ethic and unique perspectives that they encouraged Yongsun to build a restaurant together. When Ahn Hyejin finished her culinary course which she paid for herself when she tried to work from one job to another and with the support of her wife Wheein who works as a manager at an illustration company and single-handedly paying their bills and food so that Hyejin could follow her dreams and graduated, they took the opportunity to broaden their horizons when Ahn Hyejin tried to apply to become a manager at Yongsun's company.

Hyejin convinced her wife to try applying to a position at Yongsun's company too since the pay is much better than Wheein's job, all the managerial positions have undergone training and the two showed great potential in handling business. Moonbyul saw something great in them that she planned to give them more work and how much they can do under pressure since she doesn't want Yongsun to be all hands in the business which will take away precious time for the both of them. Mr. Moon is so amazed at her daughter's skill to see the great potential of her people and make them effective which makes him suspicious that this is her daughter's way to become lazy in life, great but lazy. He couldn't complain because it always gives good results especially those companies that her daughter acquired.

One day the Ahn's and the Moons had dinner with Sandeul, Moonbyul introduced him as her best friend and not as the CEO of Moon Corporation. Yes, Sandeul to his shock became the CEO, it's not a surprise for Mr. Moon since Sandeul is the perfect candidate to be one and no one objects at the time of his appointment, they all even thought that the Moon heiress will handle the company but to their surprise, she isn't. The dinner went well and they have a wonderful time, Sandeul being the one who always falls with the jokes of the two couples also had a great time, it is at this moment that a new venture emerges

"Yongsun-unnie, Hyejin and I wanted to open a restaurant, it will be a high-end one since Hyejin got a degree in culinary arts and know a lot of people in the business" Wheein declared as she is so proud of her wife that she suddenly burst out their idea since they are in the company of their close friends

"Oh really, you know that Moon-" Moonbyul interrupted her best friend, Deul is surprised that he was stopped by Moonbyul since the heiress always blurt out her connections with their business friends

"Wow, that's nice!" Yongsun smiled excitedly at the two women to distract them from what happened

"What's that about?" Deul asked Moonbyul in a whisper

"They didn't know" Deul was shocked, that's new, he thought that they are their close friends but this important information was withheld from them

"Why?" he egged on

"No one in Yongsun's company knows"

"Even after a year?" Moonbyul nods, Deul keeps making this shocked face at her and shook his head

"Well, what did they say when we officially partnered?" Moonbyul chuckled

"They are all in shock, they started rumors that Yongsun might be having an affair behind my back," she said almost trying to contain her laughter

"Really!" Deul can't believe what he's hearing

"So how did you counter those rumors?" Moonbyul chuckled even more

"I think I need to take my neck to the doctors since it always bruised with hickeys" the best friends laughed so hard they got the attention of the other girls

"Hey, what are you two laughing at?" Yongsun asked looking at the amount of alcohol that her wife is drinking

"It's nothing Yeobo, we are just talking" the other girl nods and continued listening to the other girl's proposal. That night Yongsun and the Ahn couple agreed to talk about it in the morning where they are in an appropriate setting and discuss the details of their new venture. The two months they are in the process of opening the new restaurant and they of course offered Yongsun's best Tteokbokki in the house to promote and help their partner. It was a success and now their restaurant is the hot topic, their following at social media grew and they gained a lot of excellent reviews from food critics.

Little did the Ahn's knew that Moonbyul is recommending them to her business friends and colleagues, Sandeul can't stop praising their food, he even brought his friends there and sometimes set up lunch meetings to give them more exposure. Wheein managing the floor from afternoon till night while she works at Taeyangdal in the morning, Moonbyul gave her some advice so that she won't tire herself out when working and it greatly helped her, no wonder her unnie don't look tired and stress at all because she takes care of herself and manage time effectively. Hyejin still works at Taeyangdal but now when she is not that tired, she compromises with Yongsun since they are dealing with a new venture, Yongsun gave her some time to adjust, she hired famous chefs and assistants so that they can maintain their reputation while taking care of other things in the company.

One day Wheein was early in the company because of some things Yongsun asked her to bring that morning and an employee from Moon corporation arrived around that time, since Yongsun and Moonbyul stay in the same office the two people met accidentally

"Oh hello" Wheein greeted the girl who looks sophisticated and high class, she wondered what could that woman want with Yongsun so early in the morning, the girl bowed at her

"Are you looking for Yongsun unnie?" she asked, the girls shook her head

"I'm here to deliver the daily company report to Miss Moon," she said while putting the reports on top of Moonbyul's table where there is usually nothing on it

"Miss Moon? You mean Moonbyul unnie?" all this time Wheein thought it was the whole name of her unnie, she thought that her last name is Kim since Yongsun is using it

"Yes, we call her Miss Moon since she is the heiress of Moon Empire" and that made Wheein's knees buckle

"Are you ok?" the girl hurried towards Wheein to help her stand properly

"Y-Yes, I'm just surprised" now that took the other girl by surprise

"You mean you don't know Miss Moon is the heiress?" Wheein shook her head after the secretary left she started to find her phone and then called her wife.

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