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I really appreciate all you lovelies taking time apart to read my story, means a lot to me. Do give it a read :)). Let's get the show on the road shall we?


U can do this.

I bit my lip as I waited for him to show up.

Last night I made up countless possibilities about how this could go down and came up with a solution for every single scenario and it took me till 1 o'clock to make them all. Even I can't believe that I lost my precious hours of sleep due to this.

But hey you gotta do what you gotta do right?

I look around and scan my surroundings, the parking lot is buzzing with energy. I can see a few parking slots occupied but other than that there's not much going on.

It's been a week since school reopened and the whole excitement about senior year has died down significantly. Today's Friday and I really desire to get this over with. If something does go wrong, at least I'll have the weekend to breathe. A positive in a negative. But let's just hope it doesn't come to that. SIKEEE.

A few minutes passed and I was lost in my thoughts.

Something just moved in my peripheral vision. Then there he was- Derek Bronson - my boyfriend, walking towards me with a cup of coffee in his hand. He's also the captain of Willowcreek High's football team aka the school's golden boy.

I texted him yesterday asking him to come to school a few minutes early so that I could talk to him about a very pressing issue. Omg!! I'm gonna shit my pants. Okay. Deep breaths.

This isn't easy for me, I know I am pretty good with words, but this involves actual emotions which is kinda scary . These sort of situations are what I'd like to avoid at all costs. At all costs!! It's like going through one of my parents' sex talks again. Painstakingly difficult.

As soon as he's like a foot away from me I lift my head up and glace at him.

"You wanna talk?" he stated.

My mind went blank and I started stuttering" Umm..yeah.. okay. I really wanna-"

He furrowed his eyebrows and urged me to go on.

Well what he doesn't understand is that how can I DUMP my boyfriend since junior year over no valid reason. I can't exactly tell him that I suddenly had an epiphany and wanted to be a monk now. Plus I don't even know if there are female monks, wait I think there are!! Well even if there were I don't think I'll ever be one, but if I  do tell him that won't it mean that I'm lying about this to the guy.

Shit we're drifting off topic. Okay I  can do this. I'm just going to rip the band-aid off. Here we go,

"I think we should take a break. You know just some time apart from each other to figure stuff out. Lately I've been having second thoughts and I really don't think this is working out. Its just that over the past year we've grown and i think we want different things from life".

I stop to stare at him for a second, and from what I am seeing I think he isn't taking it that well.But I continue anyways.

" I truly am sorry for breaking it so suddenly to you, it's just that I can't pretend anymore" I finish my huge speech/ramble and  just wait for his reaction.

To my surprise, his face is devoid of any emotions. Before i could dwell on the fact, I feel something running past my hair and all over my chest and back.

Acing YouWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt