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Bonjour and bienvenue my readers. Now, quick question.

How are you, really??


I have been told that I have an astounding self control.But there are three things I would never tolerate.

Firstly, people trying to steal my food. Secondly, somebody hurting or badmouthing  about the people I care and thirdly, ex-boyfriends invading my personal space.

That's precisely what's happening now, Derek the dick comes up to me and demanded that we sit together during lunch.He went as far as asking me to scoot over to give him some space to sit.

Like hell I will. Did the guy have a short-term memory loss or something?

"What, are you nuts ??" I ask him harshly.

"No I'm not babe, just move your butt and let me sit first" He replied, his voice indifferent to my harsh tone.

For some reason that made me angrier. He seriously does have a death wish because I know for a fact that he doesn't enjoy sitting with my friends but why would he want to sit here now, just hours after we broke up.

"I guess you didn't hear me  properly when I broke up with you this morning, I'm DONE with you" I countered, gaining a few curious glances our way.

He clenched his jaw and I can see him balling his fists. Whoops someone's getting angry here.

"Look, I don't care about all that, I am not ready to let you go.Period." He stated.

Er, he's not giving up. I believe it's payback time.

So I did what any rational human being would NOT do, I poured my coke all over his smug face and cocky head.

I focus on Derek and there he is, standing so surprised that I don't think he could even fathom what just happened. Seconds later, he winces, the coke I had was literally freezing so I hope it really does burn his skin. 

The entire cafeteria  exploded, I could see phone cameras flashing, student yelling and some people are even cheering. Hmm, I think I could distinctly hear Paige's voice among many more in the crowd. That's weird, but well... seeing your high school's football team captain cum golden boy drenched in coke is definitely not something which happens everyday.

 I see my friends' face only to notice that, Luke and Allie are frozen in shock while Steph is smirking.

And Stephanie smirking is definitely not a good thing.

Then I think realization hits Derek, its safe to say that he could kill me any moment now.

But all that came out of his mouth is "What the hell?".

Still, the commotion in the cafeteria hasn't subdued and I notice many students hurriedly entering the hall so that they don't miss out on the stuff going on right now.

My buddies suddenly stand up, their faces are all annoyed, which I guess is directed towards me but I think I see a hint of amusement in Steph's. They get hold of both my arms and flank me, trying to get me out of the cafeteria.

"No guys! Don't even think about it , you know my food's still there. This is so not fair. Let me goooo" I protested trying to get rid of their hold on both my hands, but that was of no use. Obviously. 

Luke plays soccer and undergoes a lot of conditioning. Allie is on the dance team and Steph is the 'setter' of the school's volleyball team, I just know that its a pretty important position.

Suddenly, I see deep pools of dark grey liquid looking right at me.Julian's. I cannot really decipher his expressions. He's sitting in the cafeteria along with a couple of his friends, I don't really know their names  but I am pretty sure that they're both quite popular. I wonder why did they transfer here together? Okay, who knows.

I gotta say he's a hard person to read but before I could dwell on Julian , I'm being pulled out of the cafeteria and into a random room in the hallway by none other than my lovely friends aka satan's spawns.

I look around and see that they dragged me into our music room, great just GREAT, this brings back horrible memories from my childhood. But I'd like to relive that nightmare some other time.

Alright, now back to the current situation.

"Why would you pull a stunt like that Goddamn it!!!" Allie asked me, her voice full of distress and irritation.

"He literally came to me and asked for it. I just fulfilled his wishes" I replied with my tone full of sass.

"Oh don't say it to me with that attitude, you moron" Allie chided me, running her hands through her hair.

The thing is, Allie is like the mother hen of our group, you know the one who is the designated driver,who takes care of us when we're hungover and makes sure we have a certain boundaries when it comes to all these parties and stuff.

So seeing her pissed at me is kinda scary and funny at the same time. Since we are besties since birth, she has tried her very best to tone down my crackhead like tendencies whenever required.

Right on cue, our peacemaker steps in.

"Del that's enough, there's no use in arguing right now the deed is done so lets move on, shall we?" Luke states, which I have to agree, does make sense.

Before anyone could say anything, "GROUP HUG!!" he screams and pulls all three of us in a hug.We all hug each other with a smile but Steph just keeps wiggling out of our grasp.

Steph steps away after a second and crinkles her nose, "Eww! No, you know that I hate hugs or any unnecessary physical contact for that matter".

The three of us facepalm together and crack a smile. Yay just one more class to go, then we can go home.

" Okay. Attention everyone !!" I scream so that they can listen to me. "Come over to my house today we all can have a sleepover, its been so long since we had one and its Friday night. What say??" I question them.

They look at each other and nod enthusiastically, their eyes glinting with playfulness. I'm sure tonight is going to be memorable, but we have to wait and see if its in a good or bad way.


Let's have some fun, finally!


We're done for today my wonderful readers. The next chapter is gonna be quiet exciting,      I have  to say. Hope you have a great week ahead!! Pls do VOTE and COMMENT. 


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