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Hello again people!!! Enjoy;)))))

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"


I sigh and drop my head on the table as Mr. Tuchman drones on and on about some French rebellion and how it affected the lives of people living in the 18th century. 

Its bad enough that I had to walk into the class ten minutes late, but no it doesn't end there, I am currently wearing an atrocious neon pink hoodie which says 'world's best cat mom' on it. *FML*

Apparently this is the only item of extra clothing Allie had with her and me, the laziest ass on the entire face of the earth, didn't even think about having spare clothes in my locker.

I also can't go back home to change since students aren't allowed to leave the building during class hours. Hence I'm stuck in this for the whole day. Damn it. The day can't get any worse.

"Am I boring you Ms.Reynolds? Looks like you've got other things in your mind" Mr. Tuchman's voice boomed throughout the classroom.

I suddenly jolted out of my pity party and answered "No sir, nothing is going on"

"Pay attention !" He glares at me for two more seconds and turns his attention back to the lecture.

Oopsie...Guess that man still didn't recoil from the prank we pulled on him last year . Well, it was April fool's day we had to prank the teacher, because why not?. So me and my three friends came up with a game plan.

The four of us had uncooked pasta in our mouths and when the timing was right, we bit down hard on it . The raw pasta actually made the sound of bones cracking. While doing so, we fell to the floor.

It was intended to be a harmless little prank and we just wanted to gauge a reaction out of Mr. Tuchman. But little did we know that he'll scream like a banshee and come running towards us. 

In that process, he fell down and broke his nose, which was a given considering his huge build and pot-belly.

Due to his broken nose, he was unable to attend a date with a lady he fancied for a very long time and the poor man also had to take a week off from school.

The four of us were let go with just a warning from our principal, taking into account our decent academic records. 

Plus, in senior year all three of my friends transferred to Spanish, thus making me the sole target of Mr.Tuchman's  wrath. Bunch of backstabbing baboons.

My thoughts later shifts to Derek, wondering what he is doing right now. I did love the guy, but as time flew by I realized just how fundamentally different we were. He was in the mood of something just something casual and temporary, a mere fling whereas I wasn't. My actions might be questionable sometimes, but deep down I know I'm a die heart romantic.

As soon as found that Derek wasn't the person who I thought he was, I tried ending things with him and after four failed attempts I finally mustered enough courage to tell him today.

Him, being his usual trashy self, overreacted and emptied the contents of his drink on me in the parking lot. I think he should have obviously seen this coming since I started replying late to his messages, ignored his calls and didn't hang out with him as much as I did at the middle of junior year, when we initially started dating. But I'm  finally happy that I got out of a toxic relationship.

I heard someone from behind poke my shoulder and whisper, "Yo, I heard you broke up with Derek. Is this true?".

There's only girl who could ask this question directly to me, instead of gossiping behind my back, Lola Brooke, a fellow member of the drama club and a good friend. This girl has no filter I'm telling ya. I am actually shocked to see that people know about it, this quickly in fact.

"Yeah, we did break up but it was not even like an hour ago. I guess news travels fast" I answer back.

She goes, "Well good for you, he is a dick anyways" . I try very hard to stifle a laugh coming out of my mouth. What she said is definitely a hundred percent true but I don't want to acknowledge the fact momentarily. I just stick to the classic nod and turn towards the class.

Right on cue, the bell rings, snapping our attention. I gladly walk out the door after being dismissed. I sling my bag over my shoulders as I walk along the corridor. I can definitely notice a few people glancing at my direction and pointing fingers. I wonder if that is because people caught a whiff of our break up or the spectacular hoodie I'm now adorning. 

I don't really have the energy to deal with this right now, so bring on my poker face and act as nonchalant as possible while heading to the library.

As i enter the room, I give a small smile to our lovely librarian, Mrs.Baker and let my eyes skim over the aisles. I find Luke sitting there and make my way over to him.

Our common free periods are usually spent in the library, talking about anything and everything on the planet. Though I'm pretty sure he heard the rumours running around.

Luke Smith aka my boy best friend, it was just Allie, Stephanie and me in the beginning of freshman year. Luke actually moved in during the summer before sophomore year and worked in the cafe with me and Steph, we immediately bonded and introduced him to Allie too. Gradually he also became a crucial part of our group and now its safe to say that we're thicker than thieves.

He looks at me warmly and goes  "Welcome mademoiselle, been expecting you". 

He also continues looking at my shirt " FYI I'd prefer dogs over cats any day"

I narrowed my eyes. "That's because you're allergic to cats dumbass".

He gives me a look and rolls his eyes "Anyways, now spill". So , I oblige.

I take a seat opposite him and start reciting all the incidents which happened today like me telling Derek about my actual feelings, the coffee dump, my encounter with Julian and Lola asking me about the break up. 

When I'm finished I see a dumbfounded expression on his face.  

"Julian Hawthorne was here, Goodness Gracious!! That's why I saw Paige's minions typing away furiously all through English Lit", he exclaimed.

"Stop fangirling over him, you sissy. I just finished telling such a huge story and all you notice is Julian frickin' Hawthorne" I taunt.

" Uh.Uh" he shakes his head. "You do know that attending one of his party is literally a dream come true for every single high school or even a college student. His parties are the talk of the town.I heard that it's super exclusive and there are invites  handed out so that peasants like us don't crash it" he states as a matter of fact.

"Whatever you say big guy, I just don't get the hype" I shrug, acting super chill about the whole ordeal.

"At least I didn't gape at him shamelessly like a thirteen year old guy seeing lingerie for the first time" he teases me playfully.

I punch him hard on his shoulder and he yelps in a high-pitched tone, making Mrs.Baker and a few other occupants in the library frown at us. I raise my hand innocently. They all then resume to what they were previously doing.

I check the time, it's nearly lunch time and Allie and Steph must probably be waiting for us.So I pull this idiot by his collar and drag him out of the library.



That's all for today. Hope u liked it. Pls show some love hons. Do VOTE and COMMENT on this chapter, will mean a lot.Have a terrific day/night.


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