Sick of It (ARCase)

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Sick of it

Josie had enough of that same old song,

That she was much too young,

To know what was going on.

Something had happened at the hotel.

Jake was yet to return as well.

Miss Bella took her to the stables

To keep her out of the way.

While Ron gloated and napped on the hay.

He pretended to know all the goings-on in BG.

But Josie believed he was just full of baloney.

The sheriff and a lot of other folks,

Entered the hotel.

There were loud voices and had been screaming as well.

Josie had heard what sounded like a gun fire from her room.

But then Bella appeared all too soon.

She made Josie leave the hotel very quick.

The smell of blood in the air made Josie's stomach sick.

But Miss Bella would not elaborate about the sounds or the smell.

As she ushered Josie out the back way of the hotel.

Josie thought it was Rue she heard crying as well.

But Miss Bella wouldn't tell.

After a ride on Blaze,

And mucking out the stalls,

Putting down fresh hay,

Josie was feeling restless indeed.

The thoughts in her head freed.

Not just her fears for Jake's safety.

No longer a child was she.

Now at thirteen,

Josie was a proper lady.

But everyone still treated her with kid gloves.

Decided the things she couldn't handle,

What was too much.

Enough was enough!

And Josephine was sick of it.

But only children threw fits.

She needed to be an adult about this.

She needed to be an adult about this

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