003. King Vector Wisse

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"Sh... I mean Axel... My name is Axel Mora." For a moment, Shiro almost revealed his real name, had he not thought of this new identity before, which made him quickly correct it.

"Oh... a good name, which suggests safety and tranquility... but it does not seem to be very much used in our city."

'Of course it's not.' Shiro thought, because the name he chose for himself is not purely a coincidence, rather it belongs to another boy whom Shiro known in his ordeal while he was hiding in some village. And for some reasons Shiro decided to help him and save his life from an inevitable death, after getting to know him and his painful story, Shiro tried at the time to help him, but the time was too late, which made their meeting together very short and the period they spent did not exceed a month, nevertheless Axel was one of the people who influenced Shiro greatly in his decision and was the one who help him when he was about to surrender.

In the end, Axel did not hold out much and died in Shiro's hands in the middle of the jungle, leaving a great imprint on him, and one promise he made to himself in front of Axel until one day he will find his mother and tell her everything that happened to him.

At the present time, and due to the circumstances he is going through, Shiro had no other choice but to use Axel's identity and change his looks to approximately what will Axel turn into, if he was still alive, so it won't be very dangerous as long as his identity is now largely considered a true identity.

Also, for a reason that Axel intentionally concealed, he did not tell Shiro the name of his mother, which made Shiro's decision to resort to this idea another solution to find his mother, who knows maybe one day he will be able to meet her somewhere on this continent.

"Speaking of safety. I have heard that Kalamar is a very quiet and vibrant city, is that true?" Shiro asked!

"Ha-ha-ha... this is what everyone says, and this is absolutely true. I remember in the past it was not like that though, but about ten years ago, due to the great efforts made by the king, it greatly helped the city to reach where it is now."

Sam's face was shining with pride and contentment while saying that, as if the king he was talking about was a member of his own family and not a stranger, but this is the case for many people belonging to Otoppia Kingdom.

King Vector Wisse. One of the greatest rulers who ruled over Otoppia Kingdom, despite his assumption of power in small age and with sudden situation, but because of his wisdom and intelligence, also for his great strength, his personality and charisma that befit a king enabled him to overcome all obstacles and make Otoppia Kingdom one of the most powerful kingdoms on Lockedonya Continent, and there are many who believe that it is already number one, with that he bypassed his father, the former king of Otoppia Kingdom.

Kalamar is one of the cities belonging to Otoppia Kingdom, although it is a little border city and far from the capital of Otoppia Kingdom, but that did not prevent the King Vector Wisse from converting it to what it is today and made it a destination for many people to meet their goals and pursuit of a better life.

Suddenly, Sam pointed out with his hand towards an area near the road about thirty meters away from their place and said, "You see that pillar there, we call it protection pillars, there are a lot of them spread in the surrounding areas of the city and because of it, our city can enjoy a lot of calms as these pillars work to prevent the monsters from attacking the city, also thanks to them, farmers and livestock keepers can be assured of doing their work in peace, and this was not available in the past, it all thanks to the king for providing these pillars and our city reaching what it is currently."

Shiro turned his head looking at the protection pillar, this is not the first time that he sees this kind of thing, the pillar usually cylindrical of two or three meters long. Its outer structure is made of iron to protect its internal parts and its color changes according to the purpose for which it was made. The principle of its work is to transform the energy gained from the energy capsules and turn it into kind of aura that scares away the monsters and spreads its radiation around it, that pillar in front of him mostly can cover a mile radius. There are many types and Shiro knows a lot of them, also in the past he worked with his teacher to develop many of them and their multiple uses.

"You look very proud of the king, Uncle Sam, don't you?" Shiro asked.

With a wide smile on his face, Sam replied as he loosened the rein to guide the mule down the road. "Certainly I am, many people prefer a peaceful and quiet life, as long as our own king takes care of his subjects like King Vector, what else do we want more than that in this life? Since I was young I heard a lot about King Vector and seeing his pictures in newspapers and magazines, I was very impressed by him. Also, I was able to see him one time when he visited the city in the past. It is a feeling I cannot describe with words, you can't know that feeling except by watching it in person."

"I am happy for you." Shiro said, showing some delight from Sam's emotions, when speaking about the King Vector, Sam was very similar to the passion of a young child when seeing a person they respect, despite his age and size that already reached the thirty or forty.

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