006. New Identity

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"I want to renew my identity, please."

With a slight gesture, she took a paper sheet from her desk drawer with a pencil and handed them over to Shiro saying "Here, you have to fill out this form and you have to hand over your old ID as well. Also... Do you know that you have to pay a fee of 200 Kinah, right?"

"I know."

After handing over the paper and the pen to him, she hesitated a little and took it back, saying "Actually since I have nothing to do right now I will fill in the information instead of you as a way to thank you for helping me before."

Shiro smiled a little, understanding her real reason, he responded, "I'm fine, despite my looking, but I can write myself so don't worry."

He then handed over his old identity to the employee and began filling out his personal information.

After taking the old identity and examining it a little, she asked again, "Excuse me, Axel Mora? But this identity does not belong to Otoppia Kingdom, so creating a new identity will be very complicated for your situation."

Although Shiro expected this, he remained calm while explaining his situation to the employee. "I know that my identity does not belong to Otoppia Kingdom, but in fact I lived and grew up in this country throughout my life, you can verify this, as my parents died in the Itana Village incident, and I am sure that you can find that information easily."

"Itana Village incident? Are you a survivor of that massa... I mean, I heard that there were no survivors of that village."

"I was out of the village that day, and when I saw the village was destroyed, I ran away and then a lot of things happened after that, and I'm here today."

"Well, if that is the case, it will take several days for you to obtain a special identity for our country. Also, there is an additional tax of 300 Kinah."

For the money, this is not a big problem for Shiro. He has few silver and gold coins in his possession and can use or convert them anywhere into banknotes, as the currency used in Otoppia Kingdom is Kinah, so it will be much easier to convert them.

As for the gold and silver currencies. Its value is higher than Kinah, and it can be used in all regions of the Lockedonia Continent, as one gold coin equals 20 silver coins, and a silver coin can be converted into 40 Kinah.

After that, she registered Shiro's information in one of the folders, after Shiro paid 13 silver pieces, the employee handed him a permit with the rest of 20 Kinah saying, "This permit will make you move freely, after several days bring it with you to get your new ID."

"Thank you."

"One last step left, follow me." Shiro made an 'okay' gesture and continued to follow.

Then she got up from her seat and went towards an adjacent room in the same building, in the center of the room there is something like a large cupboard, its height is about two and a half meters, the outer walls are completely transparent as if it is made of glass, with a door on the front and from the side is connected by something like a tool control with lots of different buttons and plugins.

Employee Sally stood next to the tool control and turned towards Shiro, "Now you just have to stand inside this device for some time for the process and then you can leave."

The function of this device is very simple as it performs a complete scan of the person inside and fills the information related to him with the new ID card, since the ID card is made with special materials, this is a necessary step, and with the help of this device, employees can enter the information of the Peoples such as personal information, physical characteristics like height and weight, age... and some other information.

The mission took only a few minutes inside the device, and after the completion of the operation Shiro took his permit and left the building to his next destination, and from the first moment he entered the building the period of his stay there did not exceed ten minutes and since the time is nearing noon this is what made the mission much easier.

'Currently, with this permit, I can move freely and there will be no need to worry about the security patrols, and within only a few days I will be officially a regular citizen, which facilitates many other things in the future.'

"Next is to become a practitioner..."



"Ok. Eating first."

Shiro remembered that he hadn't eaten anything since yesterday evening, and with so many snack carts and restaurants littering the road and the smells of delicious food pervading the place, suddenly it made him feel hungry.

Several months have passed since he last had decent food, and even though they were just sweet potato fritters that he had stolen from some house balcony, but he still remembers their taste so far because it was his first meal after starving several days at that time. In the end, that meal was musty and caused him a stomach ache afterward.

Shiro put his hand on his stomach and pressed hard to relieve his hunger, he mumbled "Dried meat will do. At the moment, I can't afford a lot of expenses until then, so you have to be more patient, my stomach."

Then, he chose a place on one of the sidewalks and sat there until he finished his food, while watching what was going on around him. A lot of people coming and going, some alone and others in groups, speeding or slowing down according to their different situations, yet none of them showed interest in him or gave him another glance, despite the presence of many practitioners among them, but none of them showed any strange behavior upon seeing him.

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