009. kindness

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At that time, that village was one of the stops he paused at, he stayed there for only a few days, and since the village is very small, and all of its inhabitants are mostly ordinary people, they never suspected him and treated him like any ordinary traveler, especially since he was only thirteen years old then.

After several days, his location was discovered again by the mysterious people, which made Shiro use his artifacts again to escape from the village, and because they could not find him, the only way left was to eliminate everyone, so maybe he would end up like them.

At the time, the village was a little fortunate due to its proximity to a large city like Kalamar, so it provided aid quickly and many residents survived the accident.

It was always like this, and every time the same thing happens over and over again, but there is no help, at the beginning of the matter Shiro did not know why every time his location will get quickly discover, even if he disguised and changes his appearance or hides in remote places, but still he will be discovered in just a few days.

Then, after several observations, he realized the reason, as soon as he activated any of his mysterious artifacts, he was thus informing his location subconsciously because the real owner of the artifact most likely has a tracking system of its own that enables him to know its location in case it is activated again.

Of course, knowing such information will not help him much in his case, for not using the two mysterious artifacts means certain death, and he cannot abandon them as well, because they are one of the means he used to activate the Arcane Seal of Disruption.


Shiro sighed deeply inside, now he only has to accept the various accusations affixed to him, even if he is innocent of all of this, who will believe him anyway?

All the incidents that occurred after that disaster five years ago, left very few victims compared to three and a half million deaths and seven million other victims.

Those people? Who are they?

And why exactly are they doing all this?

Many questions come to him, but there are no answers to that. All he knows about them is just what he heard from his teacher when he asked him what that person was, and the answer was 'Probably Phantom'

Even for his teacher and his vast knowledge of a lot of things, he still was not very sure of them. They are very careful people, their bodies are so hidden that it is impossible to know their gender, even the one who forced Shiro to activate the Arcane Seal of Disruption did not show any of his privacy, even if he spent a month in the same place with him.

What Shiro was able to notice from the several times he saw them was that there were at least several of them, there were three who appeared together one time and that was one of the most difficult cases he faced, or rather he managed to escape.

They are people working to achieve a purpose, and they do not mind the way to do it in whatever they could, when carrying out their plans they worked in a very secretive manner and could never leave any traces behind even the little children did not survive their silencing. They also possess very powerful abilities.

That time, just a few moments before the Arcane Seal of Disruption was activated, that person had said several words, each time Shiro remembered it, he felt disgusted and sick.

'Perhaps one day you will feel proud in your grave for your contribution to activating this technique and bringing new hope to this piece of land again.'

What hope would sacrifice so many people to get?

And why he deludes himself that doing this is something to be proud of?

All that Shiro saw after what happened was just the many tragedies that shook Lockedonia continent, and the wounds were not healed until this moment, plus their action have now opened a new threat, and no one knows what its consequences may be.

This threat is Shiro himself, he is now like walking bomb that may explode at any moment and even he cannot predict what will happen in the future, that Arcane Seal of Disruption is very strong technique and anyone can notice that only from the extent of its spread.

In the beginning, due to some modifications, Shiro prepared the Arcane Seal of Disruption to stop at some point, and without these modifications, it would be impossible to stop it even for him, despite that the result far exceeded his expectations; of course in the worst way possible.

Every time, many times maybe hundreds or thousands of times, no matter how much he thinks about it, again and again, it is always the same thing.

So now he has no other choice but to move forward despite all the difficulties.

Shiro took his seat and brought it next to employee Sally and sat next to her, then he brought the bowl of chicken soup and presented it in front of her, he gave her the wooden spoon and said comfortingly,

"At least we can eat together in one plate, I know what it means for someone to lose his loved ones, but I am sure the time will heal the wounds. How do I put it? Although I'm not good at comforting others or saying nice words to them because I'm alone most of the time, I still want you to feel better with that."

Sally grabbed her spoon and the sad expressions disappeared little by little from her face and a slight smile appeared in her face, while she gently patted Shiro's hair, saying "Look at me even though I wanted to give you a little sympathy and comfort your hardship, instead I drowned in my own feelings. Thank you, Axel."

"I also thank you."

Then they began to eat their food together in an atmosphere to say the least that it is a bit strange, as they are still very strange from each other, but due to circumstances, they are now sharing their meal on one plate.

It did not pass much time until they finished their lunch. For Sally, she did not eat much And she watched most of the time, as for Shiro, he left nothing to be eaten on the table and devoured it, the cooked soup, the appetizers, salads, even pickles...

"It seems that you really were starving, but you were carrying yourself a lot all the time. Don't you? I know that young people tend to be very stubborn and prefer to act freely, but isn't that difficult for you? Well..." She paused for a moment; "Well, I will not burden you about this issue again, but in the future, If you have any problems, you can come to my house. I live near here with my husband and I will be happy to see you there." She commented with that, then she took a piece of paper and a pen from her bag and wrote her home address, presented the paper to Shiro, all hoping to fulfill her wish.

Shiro took the paper while in thought to himself "Nevertheless, I do not think that I am qualified to fill the void created by the loss of your little brother and it is too bad for me to take advantage of your kindness to fulfill my private matters."

Still, he appreciated her kindness very much.

After Sally paid the bill, about forty Kinah. They left the place together, as the employee Sally headed toward her workplace to do her evening shift, Shiro on the other hand walked downtown while looking for his next destination.

Not long after, he saw what he was searching for.

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