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'The ferry departed from the dock, sailing into the vast ocean that stretched before them. At the horizon a small speck was visible, they were headed towards that speck. Jeju Island. Dawon high had organized a trip to Jeju and right now the students amongst others were seated on the ferry as they watched the port growing smaller. Chunga headed towards her shared cabin and set down her luggage before heading up to the deck.

The cold breeze ruffled her hair fondly, a few strands floating in the air, the rest held together with a hairpin. She stared into the sea green expanse, her pupils dilating at the gorgeous sight. She had missed her hometown. Moving to Ansan was quite difficult, the city being so different from the quiet pleasent silence of her little village. She loved Ansan though. After all Ji-ho was there, he was something she treasured from the bottom of her heart. Now her heart ached at the loss of his presence, something in her told her that she wasn't going to feel it anymore. 

It was around 9am and she headed back to the cabin, distressed at the echoing sorrow in her. Grabbing her phone she called her boyfriend, just to make sure he was safe, just to calm herself down. It rang a couple minutes before he picked up the call,

"Hey. How is the trip? Did you miss me already?

"Ji-ho, are you okay? You don't feel sad or anything like that? Actually where are you right now?

Her heart raced, pictures flashed in her head and tears threatened to spill,

"Uh bub I'm fine. Really! Not sad or anything. I'm home, still in bed and I'm watching anime so don't worry. But what happened to you? Is it because what happened that day? because i swear i was just feel-"

"No baby. It's not about that. I just got this feeling and it made me feel as though you were in danger or something, and i felt really sad."

"well don't worry about it okay? I'm safe here, not planning to get out of my bed anytime soon so don't panic."

He had just finished his sentence when a huge shock travelled the ferry. The ferry shook and the alarms blared loudly. Loud noises were heard and the captain's voice rang through the ferry. Her eyes were wide as she watched people panic and run aimlessly. She felt like a deer trapped in headlights, unable to process the situation and shocked. When she got a grip on herself, she realized the ferry was sinking, that they were going to drown with it. Tears fell from her expressionless face as she prayed to every god she'd known of. "Mom, dad, Ji-ho I'm sorry but i won't be coming home i guess".

The call was still connected. 

She heard his voice, entwined with panic and fear. Comforting words poured out of his mouth as he desperately tried to call for help. An hour passed, the two still connected solely by that phone call. A shocked and terrified girl who didn't want to die on one end of the phone and a distressed boy who tried to calm her down ignoring his own fears on the other end. 

Another hour went by, both still clutching on to the phone as if it was the only way to hold on to each other. The ferry was halfway through already and no one had come for help. In another 20 or 30 minutes they would be underwater. Both reminisced fondly of the times they shared together. Slowly her lips formed into a small sad smile, she gazed at the horizon, gaze lingering at the outline of her home. Her instincts were right, she would no longer feel the loving and safe presence of her boyfriend anymore. The bottomless sorrow made sense now and she wished it didn't

"Do you remember that day when i asked you to remember me if i died? So please fulfill that wish of mine, please don't forget our precious memories. Don't forget me, as long as you do that I'll still be here. As the brightest star, the first snowflake and like the droplets of summer rain. I love you. You are everything to me. My most treasured possession. I'll always love you"

"I love you too" 

With that the call ended. Tears ran down her cheeks, frustrated and angry. Angry at the world, at the stupid ferry, at the universe for having stolen everything from her. 

"Until We Meet Again, love. I'll wait for you and I'll visit you. So don't cry okay? Don't be sad and don't try to be perfect anymore."

The ferry sunk and a lovely hairpin floated towards the shore, as the first blossoms of spring bloomed.

                                              • ---------------------- • --------------------- •

"A string of fate still ties us together,

and I pray that it leads me back to you."

                                               • ----------------------- • ---------------------- •

She's gone.

I'm crying.

It hurts.


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