Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The day was bright and sunny, GG pushed open the kitchen window and Tess sighed as the songs of the birds in the trees outside drifted down and in through the window.

"Well, today's the day," GG said. "Are you nervous?"

"I should be... but I'm not." She winced as GG tugged at her hair with a curling iron. "There is nothing about marrying Cole Washington that frightens me."

"It should." Came Rocky's voice as she clomped into the kitchen, decked out in her bridesmaid's dress and high heels. "How could you be happy marrying such a drab loser?"

"Come on, you know he's not that bad." Tess smiled at the girl who would soon be her sister in law.

"Well, having mother arrested in front of a hundred of society's finest, increased his coolness ranking." Rocky grinned at the memory.

"Rocky, pass me that veil would you?" GG pointed to the mass off lace sitting on a dining room chair with her chin.

Rocky complied and watched GG jam it into Tess's hair.

"You look gorgeous sweetness." GG held a hand mirror up in front of Tess's face. "Now hurry and put on your dress while I do Rocky's hair."

With that, Marigold swept into the room, already in her pink, tutu inspired bridesmaid dress, hair perfectly curled and clipped to the side. She sashayed through the kitchen, with grace and poise.

"Don't get comfortable Marigold. Tess needs help doing up the corset backing of her dress." GG said. She'd really taken charge and Tess was grateful for it. It allowed her to relax and enjoy her day, to just go with the flow while GG got everything done. Although, GG didn't have the final say when it came to the hot pink tennis shoes Tess chose to wear under her wedding dress in place of the Cinderella style glass slippers GG had begged for. 

The morning passed in a blur and before she knew it, she was running late for her own wedding. The guests were all waiting patiently out on the lawn while she gathered the bridesmaids and waited at the door for the music to start. Somewhere in the distance a piano began to play, Here Comes the Bride. The girls stepped outside and down the steps of the porch, as Tess appeared at the top of the steps, the piano, screeched to a hault and the familiar beat of Somebody to love by Queen, hammered out from a stereo. Following the sound, Tess looked up and saw speakers hanging in the trees.

She burst out with a laugh and caught the eye of Cole who was standing out under the rotunda. He shrugged his shoulders as if he had no idea who could have organized such a thing. She waggled her finger at him and he smiled.

The bridesmaids hitched up their skirts and danced down the aisle. Tess stood there for a moment unsure what to do, when she realized, she didn't need to worry about impressing a single soul. So she did what felt right. What always felt right, she danced her way down the aisle with her bridesmaids and into the waiting arms of Cole.

They laughed their way through the vowels. Nervous giggles, joyous laughter, whatever the reason, never in her life had she felt so totally and utterly loved and in love. As they said "I do" she glanced over at their precious little boy sitting on GG's hip. He was perfect in his black suit, and mini band tee instead of a shirt, under the jacket. How did she ever get so lucky? Oh and the fact she wasn't insane...always a bonus. Always a cause of celebration.

They turned to the gathered guests, Cole lifted up their adjoining hands and everyone clapped and cheered. Tess looked down and noticed that, sitting in the front row, were Cole's parents. Their faces pursed like they'd sucked on lemons, and their beady eyes taking in every movement.

Tess's smile fell. "What are they doing here?" She whispered.

Cole smiled at her reassuringly. "I wanted them to have front row seats so I can see their reaction when I do this." He nodded at the minister.

"I am honored to introduce to you the new Mister and Missus Barker." Came his voice through the PA system.

A gasp travelled across the crowd and Tess's mouth fell open. "You took my name?"

Cole shrugged as if it was nothing. "I didn't like mine anymore."

Cole's parent's stood up and strode across the garden, away from them. Cole and Tess glanced at them and then back to each other. Cole winked at her and she smiled.

Tess was still takingthis all in, when Cole yanked her hand and twirled her all the way down the aisleto the tunes of We Will Rock You. 

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