5. A Tall Ship

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Dusk was only just falling as Gildinwen crossed the Sirith, and rode up to the gate of Pelargir. It was shut tightly. Using the pommel of her sword she hammered on it impatiently.

"Go away!" shouted an angry voice from inside. "We've no room here. You'll have to carry on West. Find somewhere else."

"I've just come from the West," snapped Gildinwen, "I've been on the road for twelve days."

"What do you want?" subdued but still suspicious.

"A ship for the North, is there still one?"

"Aye, they're loading the last one now."

"I need to be on it."

"It's for the battlefield, what business have you there?"

"I'm a healer."

Silence for a moment, then a heavy wooden shutter was drawn back and a bearded face peered out.

She held up her bag, "These are my medicines." She gestured about her, "I am alone as you can see."

"Very well."

The doors opened reluctantly with a great groan, just enough to let Loreglin squeeze past. He gave the gatekeeper a nip for the inconvenience.

The streets were largely deserted, and the hooves sounded loud on the wet cobbles. Cracks of light from behind tightly shuttered windows were the only sign of the inhabitants. Despite this, the docks proved easy enough to find. Not only did the road lead right down to them but the whole quayside was ablaze with light, and alive with noise. Several tall ships were docked, but only one was loading. Soldiers and horses waited restlessly on the quay for their turn to board, a lean grey-haired sergeant in charge. Nearby, a small group of well-dressed young men lounged with a bored air, a dozen or so archers had already embarked and were busy choosing the best spots on deck.

Gildinwen dismounted and made her way towards the sergeant.

"Excuse me?"

"Yes, lass?"

She looked round uncertainly at the soldiers, mostly young, fresh-faced lads, with one or two seasoned fellows, and felt her heart begin to quail. 'Come on,' she told herself, 'Just do it, without thinking.'

"I'm a healer. I'm going North to the battle. May I travel with your company?"

The sergeant looked at her, taking in her travel-grimed appearance, and sweat stained horse.

"How far have you come?"

"From Lamedon."

He nodded, "We are without a healer, so your skills would be welcome." He smiled wryly, "And you seem used enough to hardships already."

'More than you know.' thought Gildinwen sadly.

He stuck out his hand, "I'm Bregor Gillow."

"Gil Amarnon."

The sergeant frowned slightly, as if about to speak, but they were interrupted by a cheery shout.

"Hurry up now, Sergeant! The tide won't wait while you chatter. Get your men on board."

"Aye, aye, Mate!" Gillow replied with a grin. "Come on then, lads."

They boarded quickly, and Gildinwen tethered Loreglin beside the other horses. She removed the saddle and gave him a good rub down, and soon he was munching happily on some scrounged hay.

She had just found a spot to stow her belongings when there was a sound of hoof-beats from the dockside, and a superb horse galloped into view, the magnificence of its trappings surpassed only by the splendour of the rider. This arrival was greeted by shouts of welcome from the young nobles Gildinwen had noticed earlier, and the horseman guided his mount expertly up the gangway to join them.

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