13. Most Precious Morning

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As the first soft light of morning filtered its way into the tent, and peeked under Gildinwen's eyelids, she stirred sleepily. She felt so deliciously warm and comfortable, completely at peace and more rested than she had been in months. 'I don't want to open my eyes' she thought, 'in case I find it was all just a wonderful dream.' The soft feel of warm skin against her back, and susurration of breath against her ear told her otherwise. 'No matter what else comes in my life, for this one moment, I would endure anything.'

"You are awake," he whispered, drawing the backs of his long fingers down her arm, and brushing her shoulder with his lips.

She stretched luxuriously, and rolled over to look up at him. His long hair fell like a dark curtain round his face and down over his matchless chest. His sculptured face, and radiant eyes smiled down at her. She drank in his beauty, the clear brow, the arch of eyebrows, the hard jawline, the ripe, sweet mouth, and felt her heart contract till the pain was almost physical.

He touched her face, smoothing away a few stray strands of hair. "You sleep so soundly. Where do you go to in your dreams?"

She smiled softly, "My dreams show me no better place than this."

He lowered his head and kissed her, softly, sweetly, and wrapping his strong, fine arms around her, sat up, drawing her with him. "This is our first morning, my love, no more precious day will ever dawn. I would it had been in a green and tranquil place, with the lull of running water, and the music of songbirds, instead of this dark land."

Gildinwen closed her eyes and leaned her head against his beautiful shoulder, "The birds sing for me, Elrond, and I hear the water."

Long did they sit, entwined, listening to that unsung song, their hearts and bodies speaking without the need for words. Her mind leapt and danced with the events of the night before, when he had opened his heart, and awakened her body. Within her a tangle of emotions wove themselves together. Her body thrilled with the echoes of remembered pleasure and her heart filled with feelings almost too great to be contained. She wanted to curl up here in his arms forever, safe and secure, and at the same time to wrap him in her love, strong and fierce, so that nothing would ever hurt him again. She looked at this love she felt within her, bright as a new- hewn gem, and saw that it was not a simple thing. Its facets blazed with many colours, both of light and darkness – friendship, tenderness, desire, joy, trust, comfort, shelter, passion, strength, pride, obsession, weakness and sacrifice.

Presently the morning sounds of the camp disturbed their idyll, and Gildinwen spoke softly, "I must rise, my lord, lest my presence here be fuel for mischievous tongues."

"Stay," he murmured, "I care not who knows it."

She smiled, "Foolish Elf. Idle gossip can penetrate where evil cannot, and the harm it does can be just as great."

Reluctantly, he released her, leaning back on the couch to watch her dress, before shrugging on his own tunic.

She attempted to use her fingers to bring some order to her passion-tumbled hair but it was useless.

"Let me," he smiled, picking up his comb and reseating himself on the bed. She nestled into the crook of his knee, admiring the smooth stretch of his limbs, the hard ankles and long feet. She felt him try to take the mithril band from her head, without success. "It truly does not come off," he marvelled.

She laughed lightly, "Certainly it does, else I should look like a scarecrow all the time." And she reached up her hands to remove it. Gently, he worked the knots and tangles from her hair, and as the comb wove its magic, she felt herself transformed under his hands as much as she had the night before. A tear of pure happiness escaped unnoticed, and made its way slowly over her radiant face. When he was finished, he carefully replaced the band, then lifted the soft mass of curls to gently run his lips along the back of her neck.

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