im so incredibly sorry

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for the past three years my love for kpop has faded so that is why i've had no interest in finishing all the books i wrote

but ever since then i never had love or the experience i had before with music than i had with kpop

kpop made me
happy at one point and i'm hoping it'll do it again

im planning on writing again so i hope this'll be finished by end of sept. i am 20 now so it'll be hard since i do have a job and i'll be moving in 2 weeks but i'm going to try my best

i love kpop and for the happiness it gave me so i can't wait to finish this and dive back into the kpop world!!

also thank you guys so so so much on the unbelievable support on this story and my other ones (if u read them) i love you all so much for that!! i hope you continue to support this story however way i end it and i hope you all check out my other stories, i'd love u even more!!

<3 <3 <3

im kind of curious though, how would you end the story?

one more thing, could you guys recommend some kpop songs and groups for me?? i missed quite a few comebacks and seen a few new groups but i have no idea, im so lost right now haha!


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