Chapter-8 The Moon

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Kinomoto Sakura nodded, "He is my friend's butler." Yue added, "Your friend?"

"Her name is Shinomoto Akiho. She is a transferred student who just recently joined."

"Do you feel anything strange around her and her butler?" 

"No, she doesn't seem to have any power but I often see her in my dreams" 

Kerberos added, "There is a sense of powerful magic and Sakura often seems to be trapped in those dreams." Yue was back to his deductions. 

"Clear cards... they seem to be drawing Sakura-chan's energy to create new cards."

Sakura asks,  "Are they like Crow's card?  They must have a guardian." Yue nodded. 

"Sakura-chan's dreams must be connected with clear cards and the help of a magic item."

Touya then saw a book where Clow cards were on the desk then said, "A magic book or something? I saw cards are kept within a book from there."

Shaoran replied, "Even if there was a book, it would not harm Sakura in dreams." 

Yue decided to tell them what happened an hour ago.

"I saw a man named D. Kaito fighting with Kerberos and Sakura-chan. The he used time magic to go back. Of course it didn't affect me as time card is under me. You all didn't notice right?"

Sakura was shocked. She had no idea of what Yue was saying but all he said was true to be believed. 

"So, what I wanted to say is that he used some kind of pocket watch then travelled time and at the same time it has erased  your memories."

Touya added, "Then, that watch must be the key to time magic."

Sakura was thinking then she made a decision.

"I will go to her and make things clear."  Shaoran grabbed her shoulders. "Let's go together." Touya was pissed off. "We are coming with you. We can help you with time magic after all." Yue chuckled. "Mr. Sister Complex" 

Kerberos looked at Yue and Touya. "Since when did you two make a contract? Here I am, worrying about you." Yue smiled. "Sorry, Kerberos, Sakura-chan might not be able to give spiritual power to both of us and Touya agreed to share with me." 

Sakura said, "Yue-san, you are now more like Yukito-san now." Touya got up and put his hands around Yue's waist. "As from the start, they are not different people. Both Yue and Yuki are one person. By the way, shouldn't we hurry up?"


 They arrived at Shinomoto Akiho's mansion but Yuna D. Kaito was at the gate. "I won't let you go further. Please don't disturb Shinomoto-sama. I'd ask you to leave." Sakura took out her wand. "Then I would like you to explain about that time magic." 

Yuna smirked. "You now know that I have been using time magic. Those clear cards are surely taken care by you. It's time for me to take those backs."

Shaoran was furious, "Take them if you can!"

Yuna called out, "Momo! Bring "Alice in Clockland!" The plushy toy which looked like a bunny appeared beside Yuna with a white-and-gold book. Yuna took out the golden pocket watch then clicked the button. They all went inside a book where everything looked magical.

Sakura looked around, "That is a place where I saw in my dream!" Yuna said, "Then entertain me with clear cards."

Shaoran and Sakura together fought with Yuna but it wasn't so effective to Yuna. Yue and Touya kept observing them in silence. Touya took a glance at Yue. "Yuki, it seems like we have to make a move." Yue nodded, "Almost. He fought us in his dimension. What a coward." Touya laughed out loud. "I never expect Yuki to react like this." He took Yue's hand. "Let's make him learn what he will face when he messes up with Kinomoto." Yue nodded. 

Yuno was looking at Shaoran, Kerberos and Sakura who were tired already. "It is time." Yuno was about to snatch the clear cards. Suddenly, the time had stopped. Yuno was in his conscious and aware that the time had stopped, he was freaked out. "How can this be? We are inside 'Alice in Clockland' and this indeed has to be in my control." 

Then he heard Yue's voice. "It is true that you are in your book but I can stop time. Don't try to cheat with me." Yue used dimension card and they all were inside the mansion, right in front of Shinomoto Akiho.

Akiho was surprised to see them. "Yune, Sakura-chan, why are you here and who are they?"

Yue was holding 'Alice in Clockland' and Akiho asked him, "Why is that book in your hand? Do you like the story too?"

"You really don't know what kind of power it is holding."

Akiho still didn't get a grip of what were happening. Yuna got up and covered Akiho.

"It is all my doing and my lady doesn't know a thing. My lady isn't a magician but she can enter the book. She has unconciously made Kinomoto enter into the book and she thought her fight with cards is just a fiction written in a book."

Akiho pulled Yuna's coat. "Yuna... Yuna, what is happening? Do I make Sakura-chan and others hurt? I just want to be friends."

Yuna gave her a hug. "You are a good friend to Kinomoto. I have done a wrong thing. I have hurt your friends."

Sakura got up. "Akiho-chan, I am not mad at you. We are still good friends."

They hugged. Yue and Kerberos was observing a book. At that time, a plushy bunny appeared. "I am a guardian of 'Alice in Clockland'. Clear cards that Sakura is holding belong to this book."

Sakura looked at the cards. Akiho looked at her. "I will give the book to you, Sakura-chan. I have given you a hard time so please accept it."

"But Akiho-chan!"

"Please take it. I can't use any magic at all so those cards are not useful to me. Yuna... do you need them?"

Yuna was in silence. Akiho took his hands. "Let's stay here forever happily. I am sure we can be happy without those power, Yuna."

Yuna looked at her then smiled. "I understood." He turned to Sakura then gave her a pocket watch.

"With the help of watch, you can gain new power of 'Alice in Clockland'."

Sakura now recieved 'Alice in Clockland' as well as a pocket watch. Momo hugged one last time to Akiho. "I had a great time with you."

It had been a week since Sakura had received a new set of cards. But still, the former Sakura cards are in Shaoran and Yukito. Yukito was looking somewhere faraway while sitting on the balcony.

"Last judgement..." he murmured. Sakura was busy handling new cards and her magic was spent on them. There was no way she could handle both sakura cards and clear cards. So it was decided that Shaoran had to keep Clow cards. However, Yukito was the guardian and as well as the one who was handling moon cards at the moment.

"Well, there is no need to do that after all." Yukito smiled then went back into the room. The cards were displayed on the table and they were changed back to Clow cards. Yukito was no longer a guardian of Clow cards. He made a contract with Touya who had been supporting him a spiritual energy. He was also going to be gone once
Touya left the world.

While he was lost in thoughts, Touya came to him and sat near him. "Yuki?"

"Touya! I have decided to give Shaoran the moon cards. I am no longer a guardian and Kerberos can handle alone."

Touya gave a smooch on Yukito's forehead. "Anything you like to do."

Yukito then added, "Also I am going to live as a normal human. I am not sure how long we can be together but let's be happy while we can be."

Touya nodded. "I agree with you. I can see that monster and that brat being strong and independent. We have to focus on us now."

"Touya... I am glad that I am with you."

"Me too."

Yukito gave him a deep kiss on lips. The sensation of warmth was aroud them at that very evening.

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