The Doctor

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When Misty arrived at North County the next morning, she found herself staring at everything like she was seeing it for the first time. Suddenly, she was questioning if she was the only one who had come across the Lampyridae. And Grimlaicus, who was he? It all felt so mysterious, as if she were now living in two worlds.

As she sat in her homeroom, the morning announcements crackled across the ancient intercom. 

"Good morning, students," came the voice of the school's Principal, Mr. DuBois. "We have a new guest joining us today. You may see him in the hallways, or observing some of your classes. Students, please welcome Dr. Ethan Agodore." 

A pause followed, and DuBois briefly cleared his throat awkwardly before continuing, "Em. Mister. Ehm. A-hem. Doctor. Agodore. is a....historian and he is excited to be joining us while he completes a portion of his. Em. His. Important....Research." 

"What the fuck?" thought Misty. "This man could make a peanut butter sandwich sound suspicious." 

Then, hurriedly, DuBois blurted, "Thank you, students! Go, Mountain Lions! Have a great day, everyone!"

Click. Announcements over.

Several of the students exchanged puzzled glances. "Who would be researching Plumber's Falls?" laughed Jacob, the class clown.

"And why come to our high school?" chimed in another.

Yet, slowly, the conversation shifted to the upcoming football game, to beer, to the weekend's parties. The strangeness of Dr. Agodore's newly announced presence appeared to have evaporated in light of more...pressing topics.

As Misty made her way to English class, she noticed a striking figure standing outside the library. Immediately, she knew it must be Ethan Agodore.

He may as well have had an, "Out of Towner" sign hanging around his neck.

He was wearing what appeared to be...she didn't know how else to put it...fake work boots. As if they were created as a stage prop. She almost wanted to laugh. They had all the appearances of a work boot but clearly none of the functionality in the sole nor the wear of a normal boot.

Misty wrinkled her brow, and, slowly raising her eyes, suddenly felt her cheeks grow hot as she realized she'd just been caught staring at his...feet. Preparing herself for a halfhearted smile, Misty met the eyes of Ethan Agadore. They were surprisingly friendly, yet also unsettlingly dark.

"Shit," muttered Misty, as she realized he had started unabashedly striding in her direction.

Dr. Agodore extended a well-manicured hand, "Dr. Ethan Agodore," he beamed, without hesitation.

Misty felt her hand rise to meet his, and was temporarily startled by its softness. Had this man ever worked with his hands? She didn't recall having such soft hands even as a young child.

When they shook hands, he drew his other hand to firmly seal their grasp before his deep voice uttered, "It's very nice to finally meet you, Ms. Cellars."

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