Chapter 1: Cold

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○▪︎Pat's Pov▪︎○
I was just walking from work.
It was raining, I was soaked and wet and moody and angry aaaand tired...



"Hm?" It was dark and I was a little crept out "hello?"
The sidewalks, highways and the streets were empty. I heard the growl again

"Someone there!?" I look again but the sound is just growing bigger and bigger everytime I stepped closer.

There was a box under a lamppost, I questioned if that is where the sound come from. I decided to check it out
And inside was... an animal?

It has horns and fur and it only has one eye and a fluffy tail...

"Is this some kind of hybrid?" I looked as the tiny creature kept growing and shivering from the rain. I take it out of its box slowly and placed him under my coat "don't worry little guy I'll say you"

I was about to walk off but stopped.
I saw the box's writing and said

'Test #142. Paul Vor Tere. In Dyna Labs Inc."

I was confused, was this fellow an experiment?
Is this why it looked like this?

I don't know but I am too tired and cold to care.

~At Home~

I went inside my house and turned the lights on. I am all soaked from the rain.
I let the creature out of my coat and put him down "okay uh... Paul?" I nods with the thought "that's your name said on the box" I sat down in front of the little guy as he followed.

"You lost or thrown?" I tilted my head.

He heard what I said, he must have understand me. Interesting.

He took some papers and scrambled it on the floor and then some of my plastic bottles full of water.

He is probably trying to tell me something and boy I am trying my might to read his... charade.

He aligned the bottles and the papers were still scrambled, he bites my pencil and pokes himself.

He is probably trying to tell me something about what happened to him at the lab.

"Soooo... these scientists were experimenting you or.." before I could finish. He immediately put the pencil down and nodded, he took the plastic bottles away leaving one and one paper.

I tried to read this one harder but sooner as he tries to explain it and all in his personal language(?)
He started knocking the bottle off and run around in circles crying

"Hey hey shhh calm down" I picked the little creature up and put it on my lap as he cried "you must have a rough time at the lab hm?"

He nodded as the little thing nuzzles against me. He walks off my lap and got a piece of paper and a pencil and started drawing something.
Okay maybe I can understand what he is trying to say easily on this one.

The doodle is.... him... with an angry expression looking... wait no, he is angry at the scientists!
In the drawing he looks bigger but... how come he is... small? Like. Very small, he would fit inside my freezer of the dog house.
But no, I am not letting him stay there that is just cruel.

He set the pencil down and looked up at me. He is shaking very bad, tears coming out of his eye.

"I'll give you something to eat and then a bath okay?" I smiled pats him, I went to the kitchen and... wait...what does he eat?

Well since he is an experimented beast I would say he'd eat anything but... what about meat?
Yeah I still got some bacon inside my fridge.
I took it out and placed it inside the microwave to warm off.

The creature looked around my house and went under the sofa, wow he can fit under there?
I chuckled

"Paul don't go under there" I checked under the sofa but he isn't there anymore "Paul where are you?"
He was on top of my T.V, I grabbed him and kept him around my arms.

Wow he is well-obeyed and calm.
Not like the other cats and dogs that will actually jump off from you.

I set the bacon down and put it on a plate "here you go buddy" I smiled.

All Paul did was sniffing it for 2 minutes but ate it. Phew. He likes it.

And while giving this little guy a bath, he seemed to be afraid of the water "what's wrong?" I looked at him concerned. Paul was shaking and facing away from the water.
Its probably too much, maybe he is scared of drowning.

Well I watched a lot of science movies that includes drowning into some. Chemical water or whatever they have there.

I put Paul down and drained the water a little bit.
Water's drained "Paul, its time to take a bath here" he heard me but came to slowly like he didn't believe me its gonna be safe. Yet.

"Its okay, its shallow. See?" I placed my hand trying to prove him that it is not too deep. His tail and fur stood up and jumped in, damn the guy is cute.

He was having fun with the bubbles "aaww"
I watched him as he had so much fun.

For minutes later...

I dried him up with a hair dryer and towel, I picked him up and put him on my bed "sooo this is where you'll be sleeping in" I smiled.

He shaked happy at the thought making himself comfortable.

"No goodnights?" I chuckled as his eye opened and licked my cheek
"Hehe aww" he went back to sleep again.

"Good night Paul..." I smiled and slept comfortable hugging him.

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