Chapter 8

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(3rd person POV)

Once the plane landed at the airport, America was woken up by the noises of everyone standing up and leaving the plane.

America quickly stood up and walked through the line of people until he found the colonies near the front.

He followed all of the personifications out of the airport into the German city. They hailed two taxis and began driving to the nearest hotel.

While the colonies were calmly going through the city they've been to hundreds of times before, America was excitingly taking in every little detail of this brand new location.

During the Revolutionary War, Prussia used to tell America all about how this was the awesomest city in the world. While this is only the second city he's been in so far, America will admit that it is the better of the two.

Once they got to the hotel, all the jet lagged colonies retired to their rooms and instantly collapsed onto their bed with exhaustion.

The next day, all of the nations got up early and prepared for the meeting. Except the micro nations, who were planning on how to sneak into the meeting.

While the countries began to walk to the meeting building, America was running around and exploring the city as best he could without losing track of the others.

Belarus was sitting in the meeting room as all the remaining nations began to arrive. As the British colonies entered the room, she wondered if America was going to be coming to the meeting. Only to see the familiar face of the blonde grinning right next to her.

Belarus jumped in her seat a little as he began to speak.

"Hey Bela, it's been a while, huh?" America spoke loudly.

Belarus cringed at his loudness and discreetly whispered back, "first of all, don't call me that, and second you don't need to shout, I'm right next to you."

"I know, I'm just excited is all. I haven't spoken to anyone in a month." America rubbed the back of his head.

"Well were not gonna be able to talk until lunch break anyway, so go do something else for the rest of the meeting." Belarus said as she looked to see if any of the other nations were looking at her.

America just pouted and crossed his arms like a child. "Fine."

For the next couple hours, the nations carried on with their discussion as America messed around with them. He mocked Germany's serious posture and expression, put his fingers over his eyebrows and acted grumpy like England, and even poked Russia to see if he could make the giant nation shiver (which didn't work).

As the nations finally began to leave for lunch, the only nations left in the room were America, Belarus, and the Brit who fell asleep halfway through the meeting.

Belarus saw America looking and giggling to himself as he stared at the sleeping Englishman.

"Amerika, what are you laughing about?" Belarus questioned.

America just looked back at Belarus with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Do you know if there's a kitchen around here?"

Belarus just raised her eyebrow and looked at the American.

"Yes, but why?"

America just laughed some more. "To prank England of course."

"Are you sure that's a good idea? Last time you messed with him he threatened to nuke everyone." Belarus asked, slightly concerned.

America waved off her concern and gave her a smile. "It'll be fine, come on it'll be fun!"

After some hesitance, Belarus reluctantly got up and walked out of the meeting room, curious about what America will do.

Belarus led America to the break room. Where there was a huge kitchen and many comfortable chairs and couches.

America ran over to a lunch box sitting on one of the tables and checked to find a name. After some looking, America found a name tag with the word "England" on it.

America unzipped the lunch box and dug through its contents. He then pulled out a bag full of exactly what he was looking for. Scones.

"Perfect!" America chuckled with an evil laugh.

America ran over to the oven and threw one of the scones inside, then turned the oven to the hottest setting.

"While we wait for that to finish, what've you been doing since last month?" America turned around to Belarus.

"Just taking care of my country, same as every month." Belarus said with a bored expression.
"What have you been doing Amerika?"

America gave Belarus a huge grin and began rambling about all the stuff he did. Neglecting to see the rapidly burning scone behind him.

Belarus looked down at the oven just as the scone burst into flames.

"Amerika, your scone is on fire." Belarus said calmly.

"Perfect, that means it's done!" Alfred said as he turned off the stove and took the scone out.
America then broke off half of the charred scone and threw it away. He then skipped out of the break room and went back up to the meeting room.

Belarus entered the meeting room following America, confused about what he was planning to do.

America sat on the table in front of the sleeping Brit, and smeared the black charcoal-like substance from the scone onto England's face. He then put the scone into England's hand and hopped off the table and began to laugh at his masterpiece.

Belarus walked around the table to see what America did, seeing the sleeping empire holding what looked like half a hockey puck and a bunch of black charred dust all over his mouth.

"When I was younger France used to always make fun of England's bad cooking, but England always denied it, so I would prank him into thinking he ate a bunch of his gross scones in his sleep. It doesn't seem like that crazy in itself, but the reactions from France and England are priceless." America gave a smile as he remembered all the times England woke up with a face full of charred scone.

America and Belarus walked back to their seats, and waited for the show to begin.
Word count: 1022

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