Chapter 14

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(America's POV)

I walked into the the large meeting and marched up to the podium, causing all of the talking congressmen to go silent and stare at me.

As I stopped at the podium, some of the delegates were finally able to speak up.

"Sir, this is a private meeting, you are not allowed in here."

Not wanting to go through the same process as with the guard outside, I decided to keep the explanation short and sweet.

"Yeah hello, I'm the newly reborn personification of the United States of America. I've come here today to discuss with you all about the recent independence movement, and if none of you believe me, I'd be more than happy to demonstrate."

As I finished the short speech introduction, I lifted the large podium above my head with one hand.

The congressmen were once again struck silent, until the president of the meeting stood up.

"Very well America, lets continue with the meeting."
(3rd person POV)

For the next couple weeks, America and the delegates discussed how it to approach the independence movement. Today was July 1st and the last day of the meetings, so it was now or never for America to convince them.

So far, the delegates were 50/50 on sending the Declaration of Independence, or forgetting about independence and going back to reestablishing good relations with Britain. The tiebreaker delegate was still neutral, and America had one final chance to convince everyone.

"All right America, you may make your final case." The president of the Congress said.

(America's POV)

'Alright Alfie, time to blow them away!' I encouraged myself.

"Okay, so as we've discussed before, the main reason many of you are so hesitant to support our movement is because you are worried about the chance of going to war with Great Britain. But that should not matter. We are fighting for our freedom.

The American people have been put down by the British Empire for centuries. Their taxes are absurdly high, any material goods we create are sold to the British for dirt cheap then resold to us for insane amounts. The British government is taking advantage of our people for profit. They do not care about our well-beings, as long as they can make a quick buck then they are content with our suffering under unseen levels of debt and poverty.

Back in 1775, the British empire was the world superpower, had the strongest military, and owned half the world. We only had 13 colonies with a population of 2.5 million with no military training whatsoever, and we still almost won. Today we have over 320 million people, with around 200 million supporters of are movement and still growing. We have expanded from 13 colonies to 50 states, and we're the 4th largest country in the world. I was very confident that we could win the Revolutionary War, and if Britain didn't shoot me in the head we would have. Today, with the amount of support and power our country possesses, I know for a fact that we will defeat England and gain our independence from those tyrants."

I finished up my speech and watched as the all the congressmen discussed their thoughts with one another. After a long time, the delegates finally gave their vote.

"The final vote, is 2,531 to 1,520. The decision to declare independence has won the majority. The Declaration of Independence will be ratified and sent out to the Queen of England on July 4th. Meeting dismissed."

I sat quietly and smiled at hearing the final decision, but in my head there were fireworks going off. Speaking of fireworks, July 4th is when the next world meeting takes place. The next world meeting takes place in Boston, Massachusetts, so that gives me plenty of time to travel there and prepare for my grand entrance.
(3rd person POV)

It was now the morning of the world meeting, and America has arrived 2 hours early to set everything up. He climbed through the meeting room window holding cans of paint, flags, ribbons, his war uniform, the Declaration of Independence, and his musket.

Over on the wall behind the podium, America hung up a giant flag. His new and improved flag with its 50 stars instead of 13. He then painted the entire round table with red, white and blue stripes. He hung red, white, and blue ribbons from the ceiling.

After all of that was done, America left the meeting room and went downstairs to the lobby. He told the receptionist to put on a 10 hour version of Yankee Doodle on at 7:00 am. When she asked why, he said it was Independence Day and he wanted to be extra patriotic for the meeting. The receptionist seemed to understand and agreed to do it.

America then went back up to the meeting room and finished the last part of his masterpiece. He draped his uniform over England's seat, then took the Declaration of Independence and taped it over the side of the musket with the gash in it. He then stabbed the musket's bayonet into the table, causing the musket to stick straight up with the Declaration facing right where England would be sitting.

With his artwork done, America checked the clock to see there were only 30 minutes left before the nations arrived. So he walked out of the meeting room and hid inside one of the closets for the remainder of the time.

Belarus walked into the government building with her siblings and the Baltics. They were the first ones here since they arrived a good 10 minutes early. They made their way upstairs and walked to the meeting room, but when they walked inside they saw the strangest sight. Red, white, and blue decorations were everywhere, the entire table was painted with stripes of the same color, and covering one of the walls was a giant Stars and Stripes flag.

Belarus smirked as she knew exactly what was happening, but Russia, Ukraine, and the Baltics were completely lost.

Russia walked over to the musket sticking in into the table and tried to grabbed paper taped to it, but when he reached for it Belarus slapped his hand away.

"Nyet, don't touch it! Whatever it is it is obviously meant for England. So leave it alone and let him be the one to read it.

As more of the early nations began to arrive, Belarus kept warding them off from the stuff on England's chair.

Russia was confused as to why she was so insistent on protecting it, but he decided it was best just to watch and wait until England arrives.
Word count: 1113

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