Chapter 16

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(3rd person POV)

After the world meeting had finished, England had flown straight to England to speak with his boss about the situation with the U.S.

As England walked down the long hall to the Parliament building, the words of George Washington kept repeating in his head. "It may take hundreds, maybe thousands of years, but we will gain our freedom."

'Stupid colonists, stupid America, stupid bloody independence!' England thought as he got closer to the meeting room.

When England entered the meeting room, he saw all the members of Parliament discussing with each other, and the queen reading through the Americans' declaration.

The queen looked up from the paper and saw England walking over to her.

"Oh hello Arthur, how is your evening?"

England just huffed as he sat down next to her. "As good as I can be when I find out a colony I killed over 2 centuries ago has come back to life with a vengeance."

The queen put a comforting hand on England's shoulder and smiled at him.

"Everything will be alright Arthur."

England just silently nodded and gave a smile smile back.

As the meeting progressed, they discussed how they would deal with the American uprising.

They eventually came to the conclusion that going to war was the best option.

England looked over at the queen as he began to get worried.

"Do we have to go to war? Why can't we just let him go?"

The queen gave him a sad smile before standing up to leave. "I know you don't want to fight him again, but if we let his country go then the rest of the colonies will be sure to follow. Our status as a superpower will be taken away and our empire will fall. We cannot let that happen."

England hummed in agreement. It was gonna hurt like hell, but he had to do what was best for their country.
September 5, 2020

Four years have passed, millions have died on both sides, and none of the nations had seen them in years.

England's army was stronger, but America's army had a determination and size that England could never match. Every time an American soldier died, 10 more took his place.

During the beginning of the war, England had been defeating America at every battle. But as time went on, the Americans began to use guerrilla warfare and other sneaky tactics as they saw the war as a fight for their survival (Since it technically was).

America eventually started taking over more and more of the states as they pressed on. In one strange occurrence, the day they took Texas, America woke up the next day with a pair of glasses on his face. He didn't think much about it, however, since he thought they made him look smarter.

Now it was the final battle once again. The Americans have pushed all of the British forces from Canada and the U.S. into Maine.

America made sure to cover every basis, not wanting a repeat of last time. He sent ships to blockade the ocean, and hundreds of thousands of reinforcements to surround the border of the entire state. No British reinforcements will come this time.

The British army had been holed up in Portland for about a week know, and now the Americans were closing in on them.

After a couple more days of fighting, the Americans finally started to break through into the city.

America took a small team of soldiers and snuck into a large military complex England was said to be at.

He sweep through each floor, silently taking out any guards that were patrolling. They eventually made their way to the last floor, which had the majority of the British soldiers. So instead of a sneaking in, they had to resort a shoot out.

Soldiers on both sides began to drop one after the other, until it was England alone vs America and a couple of his soldiers.

England tried to pull out his handgun and take down another soldier, but America was faster and shot England in the shoulder.

England dropped the gun and clutched the shoulder. America pointed the gun at England as he slowly made his way over to him. When he was close enough, he kicked away the nearby gun and continued to point his gun at England.

"Surrender England, this war is over. I will be independent whether you like it or not."

England looked up at the gun barrel right between his eyes. "So what now? Are you gonna get your revenge?"

America slowly pulled his gun back from England's head.

"No, I'm not like you. I'm a hero."

England just rolled his eyes at America. "It's always about heroics with you, isn't it?"

Alfred just chuckled slightly. "Yes, yes it is."

Alfred lowered his gun and began walking out of the room, making sure to never turn his back to England.
Word count: 823

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