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This is more of imagines, but enjoy!


- All the fish gravitating towards Percy

- The petting section animals were fighting over who got pet by the son of the sea god

 - Annabeth rolling her eyes when he says he is sooooo popular

- Percy telepathically telling the jellyfish to arrange themselves in a heart shape

- Annabeth blushing so hard she looks like a brick

- The fish teasing Percy about his love for Annabeth

- Percy blushing at the things they are saying while Annabeth is trying to get him to spill

- Annabeth buying Percy a dolphin pillow pet to replace the panda one

- Percy noticing a little kid trying to get the attention of the fish and Percy telling them to go over to him

- Annabeth noticing and loving him even more

Ok. Well that was more of a filler chapter, but I just wanted to say, thank you for 114 views. That is a lot of views. Thank you.

If you have any oneshot ideas, feel free to leave them in the comments.

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