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"Hey Percy! I'm going now!" Annabeth shouted from downstairs. I was too lazy to get out of bed, so I wasn't there to kiss her goodbye. That is my only regret ;)

Annabeth was gone long enough for me too wake up, shower, put on some underwear and shorts (What? It's Saturday), and make some blue cookies. I was in the middle of eating my delicious cookie what Annabeth came back. I stood in shock, my mouth wide open.

"Close your mouth Seaweed Brain, there is partly digested cookies coming out of it." 

"You look..." My brain short-circuited. I was speechless.

"What? Does it look bad?"

"N-no. You look absolutely stunning. I-I'm getting butterflies all over again." I said truthfully.

Annabeth cut her hair to about the half-way part of her neck. Her curly hair worked so perfactly with it. I fell in love with her all over again.

"Shut up, Seaweed Brain."

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that was terrible. Sorry. 

If you have any ideas/requests, feel free to leave them in the comments. 

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