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While at college in New Rome, Percy slowly became more popular, while Annabeth was always an outsider(the Romans still think Athena/Minerva shouldn't have kids). Annabeth realized this, but it didn't bother her too much, or at least not until she noticed all the girls trying to flirt with Percy. 

She knew Percy always rejected them, but it still made her nervous, until one day when Percy and Annabeth were on a picnic. 

A girl sitting at a nearby picnic blanket came over and asked Percy why he was with Annabeth of all people.

Instead of blowing off the question, Percy stood there for 2 hours and 58 minutes listing off Annabeth's great qualties, even after the girl left. 

After that, Annabeth was sure that he would neve leave her. Not because he loved her and only her(thought that is a valid reason), but becuase that girl told all the others that he was "weird" and that they should avoid him at all costs.

Lol ok. Wow. Look at me. If you have any ideas, feel free to leave them in the comments.

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