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They told me to look around so I could see the beauty and wonder that surrounded me on all sides.

I didn't know how to tell them I didn't see what they saw; where they saw beauty, I couldn't.

They saw a perfect world- I wanted to, but I saw the truth: the world just isn't perfect.

I couldn't see the beauty or the joy, instead, it almost felt like I couldn't see anything.

It's tiring, really, to know that others can go about and see joy, while I can't.

It's almost like I'm walking around blindly, while others are enjoying everything that I'm missing.

It's not their fault though, they can't possibly know the way that I feel.

They don't understand what I mean when I say I just can't see.

It's not just me who's so tired; I know others are, too.

But how do we tell people what we can't even explain?

How do we tell them that we see things differently?

That we can't help but go around seeing nothing?

They tell us to look around and see.

What am I supposed to be seeing?

Because everywhere that you see light,

some of us just don't.

We look where you

look, and there

is just


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